“There’s Alaric,” he said, and I followed his gaze. “Sneaky bastard, I hadn’t even seen him watching us.”

I spotted him near the outcropping of rock where we’d first landed, talking to Silas, the commander of the Horde armies. Or at least, I thought it was him.

Alaric never took his eyes from me for more than a few seconds, casting quick glances my way every chance he had. My protector. The next time he looked at me, I mouthed to himrelax, and he grinned, turning his attention back to commander. I wondered if he’d tell Silas what we’d learned—that his sister who’d been missing now for weeks would likely never return.

My chest tightened, but then I brushed off the dread clawing at my mind. Tonight was not for worrying. There was plenty of time for that tomorrow.

I was glad there weren’t too many recognizable faces from the palace among the swarms of bodies. They’d likely be wondering why the queen’s entire retinue were attending the memorial, and yet the queen did not. They’d wonder who was standing guard for me back at the palace. We’d have to corroborate our stories before we returned to ensure no one found out.

It was unheard of Alaric had told me, for a queen to attend such a gathering. But I was no ordinary queen and never wished to become one.

More drummers joined the group, adding volume and even more frenzied beats to the tune. It was so loud, I thought the dancers would go deaf. I couldn’t hear my own thoughts over the booming beats.

A group of females crowded around someone near Alaric, and I stood on tip-toe to see who it was. My shoulders tensed at the sight of Valin. Basking in the fawning of the females before him.


I watched the pompous ass as he curled an arm around the female next to him, a pretty little thing in a low cut dress. Watched as he caught sight of Alaric and his expression changed to one of cool focus.

Watched as he followed the line of Alaric’s constant glances. Finding me on the other end. It took him a moment, but he recognized my face. He lifted his chalice to me before turning back to the onslaught of pouting lips and hungry eyes of the females vying for his attention.

“Looks like it’s time to go,” Tiernan shouted close to my ear, forcing me back into the present. He nudged me to look back to where Alaric stood, now alone.

My captain inclined his head toward the outcropping of rock behind him, beckoning us to follow. Kade and Finn saw their captain’s cue as well and extricated themselves from their friends among the Horde.

“But we’ve only just arrived,” I whined.

Tiernan gave me a wan smile, hollered “Let’s not push it. Come on.”

We disappeared behind the rock and I was lifted into the air and crushed against a wide, wet chest. Kade forced a rough kiss against my lips, and plopped me down, “Thank you,” he said, his voice husky. The taste of a stronger spirit stinging against my lips from the press of his.

Finn stepped in and I reached for him, too, wrapping my arms around his middle. He rested his chin atop my head, “You have the most beautiful smile,” he yelled over the ever-growing noise and it’s funny because I was thinking the same thing about him.

“Have fun?” Alaric interrupted, tugging me away from Finn.

I embraced him, planting a soft kiss against the stubble on his jaw. “Do we have to go?”

He nodded against my hair, “We should get home.”

I pulled back from my captain, regarding each of my men, ensuring they’d each had their fill. Their smiles didn’t falter. Not even for a moment.

Home.Looking at each of their faces, I knew I was already home. It didn’t matter where we were. The dawning realization shocked me, and I bit my lip against the abrupt aching in my chest.

“Yes. Take me home.”

Finn reached to lift me, when a darkened figure rounded the wall of rock, “Glad to see you could make it,” he shouted so we all could hear.

“Valin?” Kade said in wonder, “Glad to see you could make it, too.”

“Alaric, I didn’t expect to see you here. And the emissary, too.”

I shrunk away from him, trying to blend into the darkness behind Finn, careful not to get too close to the edge of the plateau only a few paces away.

Alaric cleared his throat, glancing back at me before him and my men moved to distract Valin. It would be easy to dissuade him from thinking he’d seen me from across the plateau, but not if he looked me in the eyes. He would know. And then we’d have to deal with the fallout at court if he decided the information was worth sharing.

I shrunk behind their backs, waiting for him to leave. Not able to hear what any of them were saying over the din of the memorial still raging beyond.

Gods. Just go already!