“Please, indulge us.”

She swallowed, “The queen—well I wasn’t sure at first, when I saw her eyes change while healing Valin, but now—well now I’m sure.”

Ice-water rushed through my veins. What would they do to her? “What is it you’re sure of?” I asked as calmly as I could.

Aisling clasped her hands together in a white-knuckled knot atop her lap, “Begging your pardon, majesty, but you know what I saw. I know you were Graced with more than one ability. Several if I’m not mistaken. I know it’s impossible, and yet I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

I watched as a grim shadow fell over the faces of each of my males. Kade opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him, “I’d like to speak to Aisling alone.”

“Liana?” Finn cocked his head at me.

“Do as she says,” Alaric ordered his men, “The healer poses no immediate threat.” And then to me, “We’ll be just outside if you need us.”

I nod.

“You’re not wrong,” I said to her, the tension in my shoulders releasing. “I have several Graces. We don’t understand why or how just yet, but it’s true.”

Aisling regarded me with something like wonder, “It must be so hard—learning to control more than one Grace.”

I huffed, “You have no idea.”

She gave me a wan half-smile.

“You understand why we haven’t told anyone,” I said, more of a statement than a question.

Aisling nodded, letting her long hair fall forward to conceal her face, “What will they do with me now that I know?”

I shook my head, “Nothing. I will make sure of it. But—” I said, waiting for her to look me in the eyes, “You must promise me not to tell anyone what you saw. The Night Court isn’t ready to know the truth. They would only be frightened.”

Aisling considered my request, then nodded her ascent, “I won’t tell a soul,” she said, “And if you’d like, I can help you train your healing Grace in private. I’m still learning myself, but perhaps—”

“Yes,” I blurted. Being able to heal my men had been on my mind since I first discovered the ability. If I could heal them without help… “Can we practice here? In my chambers?”

“I don’t see why not?”

I smiled, “There’s one more thing. I was wondering if Valin told you anything about what happened to him, or where he was.”

She cocked her head at me, noticeably more relaxed, “No. He has recalled nothing since he awoke.”

Sighing, I sat atop the ottoman beside her, “And do you think he’s telling the truth—that he can’t remember, I mean?”

Aisling shrugged, “I’m not sure. He sustained great injury, but I felt nothing as far as internal injury in his mind. Loris and I have been working to help him recover his memories.”

No internal brain damage. It wasn’t proof of Valin’s deceit, but in my mind, it was enough to justify being wary.

“You don’t trust him,” Aisling said, trying to read my expression.

I shook my head, “I don’t know who to trust anymore.”

“I may be able to help. Valin—well he’s taken a liking to me. I’m not interested in him, but, if it would help you I could pretend to be. A male tends to loosen his lips in the bedroom.”

I refrained from looking aghast at her offer, schooling my features into obedience, “You would do that?”

“I didn’t say I wouldliewith him. Gods, no,” she sniveled, “I’m no whore. But if he thinks I might…”

I knew in that moment; Aisling and I would get a long just fine.

“Liana,” Alaric called from the hall, “About finished?”