“We’re almost there, Liana. One of the others can fly you back to the palace. It takes time to get used to being in the saddle.”

Alaric finished tying his horse, and reached for my hand, which I gave without hesitation. It felt natural—the closeness between me and my males, as though they were a part of me. Without them I couldn’t feel whole. I missed him—Alaric.

He’d been busy the past weeks. Hunting for Thana’s corpse, as well as overseeing the execution of Ronan,andinvestigating the Wastes where Silas’ scouts found the bodies of three of the missing Fae. Now there was Valin’s return, too. I ached for his company.

A pang of guilt throbbed beneath my breastbone. I had to tell him the truth. About the Mad King. About Thana. The Blessed Blade—all of it. I only hoped he’d forgive me for not telling him sooner.

Alaric led me through the shaded path. Sunlight dappled the forest floor, illuminating it in patches of earthy brown and richest green.

A clearing materialized ahead, and we stepped out of the shade and into the full light of the sun. A placid pond reflected the early morning light off to our right, surrounded by long, lush grass, and tall reeds. It was peaceful. Quiet. I reveled in the freshness of the air, and the absolute silence I could never find within the walls of the palace.

“And we won’t be seen here?” I asked Alaric, releasing his hand.

He shook his head, his dark hair falling forward with the motion, “No, we should be safe to practice.”

Despite all the work he’d been doing lately, Alaric looked refreshed and at ease in the forest. His steel-blue eyes shone brightly in the light, and he was quick to smile upon seeing my staring.

“Any word on Valin?” I asked, working the kinks out of my joints before we began the day’s lessons.

Tiernan stepped up to me, helping me to balance as I pulled my legs up behind me one at a time to loosen the tight muscles. His grip on my waist was enough to awaken the Grace of fire in my core. I quivered, stepping back from his touch.

Alaric cocked his head at me—at Tiernan, before shaking his head, “He’s awake,” he said, “He awoke early this morning, but Loris said it would be best to give him the day to recover before questioning him. It seems his memory is disjointed—foggy.”

Tiernan clucked his tongue, “Of course it is,” he said with a slight roll of his eyes, “I don’t trust him.”

Alaric narrowed his eyes at the other male, “You don’t know him. He’s ancient. They still sing songs about his glory in battle.”

“Where has he been, then? We found nothing on the North road, not even tracks. It’s as though he appeared out of thin air.”

I was inclined to agree with Tiernan but would say nothing until hearing what the warrior had to say for his whereabouts. “We didn’t come here to argue, we came here to train.”

Tiernan offered me his hands, “That we did,” he said, raising a perfect brow to me in challenge, “Lets see what you can do, my little lamb.”

After trying for hours,I was ready to give up. Each time I thought I felt something stirring within me, it evaporated before I could harness it. I could produce flame with a flick of my fingers, and ice just as easily, but Tiernan’s Grace of earth wouldn’t come.

Although I’d tried before, Alaric too attempted to awaken his power over emotion within me, but that too had no effect. He released my hands, and gently stroked the inside of my jaw, bringing my face up to meet his gaze, “You didn’t expect to haveeveryGrace, did you? Don’t look so disappointed.”

“I’m not,” I said, though it was only half-true. Kade and Finn would arrive soon, and Alaric would have to go back to work. If I was disappointed, it was only because soon, he would have to leave again. From the look in his eyes, and the way he’d barely let me go even once throughout the afternoon, I’d say he felt the same.

“Trust me, feeling the emotions of others isn’t exactly a blessing.” His gaze flicked to Tiernan and back to me, and I wondered offhandedly if he knew I was attracted to the golden male too.

“I’ve missed you,” I blurted, my cheeks inflaming. Alaric stroked the side of my neck, sending a delicious shiver down my spine, awakening the flames at my core.

“I’ve missed you too,” he whispered, leaning in close so Tiernan wouldn’t hear him from where he crouched, blossoming small white flowers at the water’s edge. “Are you… rested?” he asked, his voice husky, reminding me of what he said to me the last night we spent together,you need to rest, my queen. You’ll need your strength for what I intend to do to you.

My chest tightened, and I swallowed, my skin tingling. “Yes.”

He licked his bottom lip and laid a kiss on the base of my neck. The flames within me grew to a blaze, and a warmth spread deep in my belly.

Tiernan approached and Alaric loosened his hold on me, taking my hand and placing it into Tiernan’s.

Confused, I looked to Alaric, and then to my hand, and back again.

“You have my permission,” he said, and I gasped as the meaning of his words sunk in. “I can feel your emotions, Liana. I know you want me, but you want him too.” He turned to Tiernan, “I’m trusting you. Don’t make me regret it.”

My chest ached. Alaric cared more for me than I ever imagined. He knew what I wanted—what Ifelt, and regardless of his own wants, he was willing to give it to me.

Tiernan clasped my hand between both of his, and brought it to his lips, kissing my fingertips. I shivered. “Is that true?” he asked, a devilish grin turning up the corners of his mouth, “That you want me?”