“Did you see that time?”

I cleared the remaining fog from my mind, “I think so. You aren’t just pushing an emotion into me. You’re taking the one I have first.”

Alaric considered what I’d said, “Yes, it’s sort of like that. I do have to pull a bit before I can push.”

“Ok, let me try.”

It took a few tries, and I had to endure several morecrashingwaves of hungry, passionate lust from him before I figured it out. I had to push into him an emotion I had. I had to draw on one of my own emotions, allow it to almost consume me, before I could pass it on to someone else.

That emotion was frustration. Unlike the other Graces, I couldn’t feel it at my core. It wasn’t warm, nor cold. It was a whisper from my mind. A whisper that morphed into a gale force wind shooting through my blood like an arrow. It left me and went into Alaric. He jolted at the sensation.

I cracked my eyes open to see his cheekbones flare and his eyes narrow.

“Ugh,” he exclaimed, shoving my hands away from him, but then he was smiling, “You did it,” he stated, a bit incredulous, “I knew you could.”

The frustration all but fell away at the absolute joy gleaming in his eyes.

We practiced a bit more, and I was able to push happiness through to him, and the desire he so cruelly shoved into me. Holding in a crude remark when his cock swelled beneath his trousers.

After I had seemed to master being able to emotionally effect Alaric, we tried the Grace on Finn.

Desire,I thought, bringing the emotion forward with all my willpower. It released from my body like a catapult, and I staggered back a step at the recoil.

Finn stepped back from me as though burned by my touch, blushing like a stable-boy. He cleared his throat, “I—well—uh well done,” he stuttered, all too eager to turn away from me, “I should—well, I should get the horses ready to return to the palace.”

Alaric clapped me on the back, “Well done, indeed, my queen,” he said, and we watched Finn readjust his trousers not once, but three times on his way to gather the horses.

I hoped he would be alright to ride.

The hour-long rideback to the palace was reinvigorating, and for the first time, I felt energized after training instead of dead on my feet. After the shared feeling of desire between my men and I, sleep was the furthest thing from my mind.

My body still pulsed with need. The warmth that had pooled in my belly and the heavy fog of yearning in my mind had never fully abated. Now I was awake, alert, and dying for physical contact. It was a challenge not to reach out to my men during the short walk from the stables to the royal chambers. I itched for it.

“Has Aisling come by yet?” I asked Kade when we entered the parlor, amused to find him sitting with Tiernan, our chess board between them.

Good. He needed the practice.

The Draconian shook his head, “No, not yet.”

It was getting late. Maybe too late for her to come by.

Alaric, sensing my emotion, gave my shoulder a light brush with his own, “She’s likely gone to bed. I’m sure you’ll see her in the morning.”

“Speaking of,” Finn said, “I’m exhausted. ‘Night, Liana,” he said to me, planting a swift kiss on the top of my head before leaving—a first for him. I wondered if the feelings I pushed into him had made him more confident since he now knew how I felt for him.

“Goodnight,” I said to his retreating form.

“You should get some rest, too,” I said to Alaric, moving to sit next to Kade.

Alaric grabbed my arm, stopping me.


“Actually, I’m not tired. I’ll take the first shift. If you two want to um—go and see that Aisling has returned to her chambers,” he said with false worry for my healer friend.

Kade and Tiernan shared a look, before Tiernan sighed and stood from the table, “I’ll relieve you in a few hours,” he said before exiting the parlor, throwing me a wink.

“But, we aren’t finished the game,” Kade hollered after Tiernan.