I chuckled, “Actually, yes. I do. Care to stretch those wings?”

Kade nervously eyed the terrace, “Alaric wouldn’t like it.”

He was right. Alaric would be furious. And it wasn’t like before. I wouldn’t ask Kade to keep a secret from Alaric. Not anymore. I had made them all a promise, and I wouldn’t break it for a dress.

“You’re right,” I admitted, then sat down to think. “I know—lets go find Aisling.”


I looked over my small frame, the slight curve of my hips and breasts, the narrow width of my shoulders. “I think we’re about the same size.”

Kade held out his arm to me, seeming all too eager, “Spending a lot of time with her lately, I’ve noticed.”

I linked my arm through his, “Is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all. You spend too much time surrounded by males. And I was wrong about her. She’s alright.”

I snorted, “Glad you approve.”

He winked at me, “Lets go find you some ugly clothes.”

The hallsof the palace were bathed in warm light. In a few weeks it would be autumn and I thought I could almost taste it approaching. The flavor crisp—with a hint of drying leaves and souring apples.

Seasons came swift on Meloran, each lasting no more than a few months at best. The isle was known for being in an eternal state of spring, and I tired of the season. I wanted to feel the brittle texture of fallen leaves and dance in the snow.

Kade led me through the corridors, his arm no longer entwined with mine. It wouldn’t look right to anyone who was paying attention. Instead he settled for brushing the back of my hand and shooting me hungry stares when no one was looking. Reveling in the thought that it was forbidden.

If I was honest, I was enjoying it too. My face hot and pink with blush, trying to hold back bursts of laughter when nobles passed us, curtseying and bowing as they went. I felt like a child again. Testing the limits and enjoying the feeling ofalmostgetting caught.

We rounded the corridor towards the infirmary just as a familiar figure was exiting the chamber.

“Valin!” Kade called, giving me a small apologetic look before we walked over to meet the decorated hero.

Valin turned, “Ah,” he said, face splitting into a smile as he recognized us, “Your Majesty, and Kade, was it?”

Kade nodded.

“Nice to see you again,” Valin added, bowing at his waist.

He seemed better than before, there was no sign of injury anywhere on him, and most of the color had returned to his face. They made him stronger, and for a Fae male already Graced with strength… I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, “You’re looking much better,” I said, accidentally allowing a note of distaste to slip into my words.

He gestured to the infirmary entrance behind him, “You have a skilled healer. I’m lucky to have received such care.”

“An honor,” I said, inclining my head.

A beat of awkward silence followed before Valin spoke again, this time turning his attention toward Kade, “You must be looking forward to the memorial.”

Kade hurried to answer his childhood hero, “Yes—yes, of course. I look forward to it every year.”

“So, you’ll be attending, then?”

My Draconian warrior rubbed at his neck. His great black wings twitched. I could tell he wasn’t sure if he should tell Valin.

“He hasn’t decided yet,” I answered for Kade, “Though I keep telling him he should.”

“Indeed,” Valin said, leveling an accusatory stare at Kade, looking all too regal and important in his soft black cloak and deep purple tunic. “I, myself, plan to at least try to attend, my health permitting.”

Kade’s eyes widened, “We would be honored to have you there, my lord.”