At the sound of my name from his mouth, I almost came undone.

“What else do we agree on?” I whispered as he moved in closer, standing so my nipples brushed against his broad chest.

He leaned in, his voice a warm whisper against my neck, “You want me,” he said, and I gave a small nod as little darts of pleasure danced over my skin.

“I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you… in your nightclothes like you are now. Hair wild.”

I pulled back from him, just enough to see the fierceneeddarkening his eyes, his pupils almost fully dilated. An intense heat pooled between my thighs and my breast ached, feeling as though twice their usual size.

Ever the gentleman he waited until I bent my head toward his before he surrendered to his desire.

He tasted like summer. Like warm rain and hot sand and ripe berries. The kiss obliterated any sane thought in my mind. Tiernan’s tongue stroked against the seam of my lips, and I moaned, granting him entry. He delved inside my mouth and a silky wetness further warmed my sex.

His fingers teased my peaked breasts. I wanted him. His fingers, his lips, his tongue. Heat built at my core, and I worked to keep the flames tamed.No, I didn’t want to stop. I pulled him with me, down onto the feather-soft sheets. The laces at my collarbone came undone under his deft fingers. Our lips came apart, and I gasped as he took my breast into his mouth, easing some of the tension, quelling some of the ache.

His other hand traveled lower, lifting the hem of my sheer gown up, and up, over my knees, my thighs, baring me to him.

I quivered, unable to hold the Grace of fire from bursting out much longer.

“We can stop,” he breathed, heavy and hot against my breasts.

I couldn’t speak, only snaked my fingers into his hair, guiding his mouth back down to cover my other breast. He nipped and sucked, his tongue circling my nipple. I shuddered, my sex wetting as I bit back a moan. The heat climaxed at my core, tapping against my nerve-endings, asking pleasepleaselet me out.

A cry tore from my chest, and I pushed him back. He stood, breathless, his manhood a great bulge beneath his trousers. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I can’t.”

The others barged into the room, weapons drawn as though they were charging into battle.

“Liana?” Alaric asked, confusion twisting his features as he took in the scene before him, “We heard—um, well you sounded like you were in pain.”

Kade whistled low in his throat, and Finn bit back a laugh.

Well, that was one way to turn the fire to ice in my veins.

“I’m fine,” I said, abashedly aware of the way I must look, half clothed, sweaty, an untampered blush staining my cheeks. “Could you,” I squeaked, waving a hand towards the door, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Alaric cleared his throat, “Right.” And he pulled the two Draconians out with him, not bothering to close the door behind them.

“Doesanyone want to tell me what all the yelling was about this morning,” I said, strolling into the parlor. I had splashed my face with cool water and dressed in a simple gown of bluish-gray. Just enough time for the blush to recede from my cheeks and for the churning of lust to settle in my bones.

Alaric stroked a hand through his tousled hair, and cleared his throat, “It’s nothing,” he practically growled, casting a warning glare to the Draconians, “I’m sorry if we woke you.”

“I don’t think we woke her,” Kade said, grinning like a fool.

My teeth clenched, “Actually, you did,” I said, resisting the childish urge to stick my tongue out at him. “So, please, do elaborate.”

Finn looked apologetically at Alaric, clasping his hands between his widespread knees, “It’s the memorial. It’s next week. We’ve never missed it and we wanted to bring you with us.”

“Memorial?” I asked.

Kade nodded, “It’s to honor the Draconians who fell at Mt. Ignis in Emeris.”

I didn’t know such an event existed, and was confused why I couldn’t attend, which I assumed was what they were arguing about. Turning on Alaric, I asked, “And why shouldn’t we go?”

Alaric sighed, “It’s an open-air event. They do it in the mountains each year. Half the Horde armies attend it and it’s filled with drunkards and brutes like these two,” he said, jabbing a finger towards Kade and Finn. “It’s too much of a risk. Not many nobles attend for that reason alone. I can’t imagine what they’d think if you did.”

Maybe it was risky, but I yearned to leave the walls of the palace for a reason other than training that yielded little to no results. I considered his worries, really—I did. But… “I won’t ask Kade and Finn to miss a memorial for their parents. And it’s as much for them as it is for you. They aren’t the only ones who lost loved ones in the slaughter at Ignis.”

“You didn’t ask them. Itoldthem. It isn’t safe.”