
I dropped his hand, “Yes, confident.”

He shook his head, but lifted my hand back into his again, “You’re a queen, and you seem fairly confident already.”

The sensation rushed over me in a wave, electrifying my body in the most amazing way. My back arched, and my head cleared. I considered the room through a new set of eyes, knowing what had to be done. “I hate all this white. Everything issowhite. Have Thana summon a decorator tomorrow. I don’t wish to live in a replica of my mother’s chambers.”

Alaric laughed, clasping my hand tighter, “Alright, as you wish, anything else?”

I surveyed him, took in the sound of his voice, the eagerness to please written all over his maddeningly handsome face. Holding his gaze, with my free hand I moved his hair from his face—then traced a line down to his jaw, to his collar-bone, and planted my hand on his chest. He shivered, and a hunger awoke inside me. My hand wandered ever lower, and he growled with desire. I wanted to touch him, wanted him to touch me back. Wanted—

Alaric let go of my hand, shoving himself from the bed and leaving me in a daze. I tried to shake my head to clear it of the thoughts still clasping to become reality.What was I doing?What would I have done if he hadn’t let go?

“Damn, Liana. Have you any idea what you’re doing to me?”

My cheeks inflamed, “I—I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was doing.”

But I did know. Something attracted me to him. And whether he used his Grace on me, he made me feel safe. The confidence boost was meant to make me less nervous about the Blessing Ceremony, but when I saw him, I—well I almost did something I obviously wanted to do, whether I knew it or not.

“No, I’m sorry,” he breathed, sitting back down on the bed beside me, “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s not your fault. Iwantedto do tha—I mean,” I corrected, “I asked you to do it.”

He hung his head, “Liana, you’re a queen. And I’m meant to protect you, nothing more. That is how it should be.”

A mix of shame and guilt swirled through me, making the blush return to my cheeks. “May I ask why you aren’t bonded?”

It was deathly still and quiet for an age before he responded, “I’ve never been… interested. Bonding yourself to someone—the ceremony, it would tie you to that person forever. They can’t undo it, and the link that comes with it cannot be severed.”

He regarded me then, his eyes filled with sadness and something like longing, “I haven’t met someone who could make me want to become one with them. I doubt I ever will.”

I understood what he meant. Though I often fantasized about the day I would be forever bonded to a male of my choosing, it wasn’t customary for a queen to do, and I wasn’t certain I wanted to anyway. The queen’s in our line chose a male to reproduce with, and declared them ‘King Consort,’ they had virtually no power and could only rule in interim periods between the fall of one queen and the bestowal of the crown on another.

I had yet to wear my crown—hadn’t even seen it yet. Seemed pompous to wear it around everywhere. But for an event like the Blessing Ceremony, they would expect it.Ugh.It was like a beacon sayingover here, look at me! In case you didn’t know, I’m the queen. See this crown? Yes, you must do as I say.Ridiculous.

The tension returned to my muscles all at once and I began my decent down the rabbit-hole of insecurity and over-thinking again. Sleep would be impossible, and there were still hours until dawn would break.

Alaric stood, “I should let you get back to sleep. It’s nearly morning and you’ll need your strength when the Sidhe bestow a Grace on you, the flare of power takes its toll.”

I grabbed him by the hand before he could move away, unsure of what I was doing—what I wanted. Perhaps the feigned confidence was still running through my veins… But before I could change my mind, “Will you stay with me?”

His eyes softened, “I’ll be right over there,” he whispered, pointing to the place where he usually stands in the corner of the room.

Riling up what was left of my courage, I amended, “No, I mean stay here… in the bed. And keep me calm so I can sleep?”

“I don’t think—”


Tight-lipped, Alaric nodded, and removed the boots from his feet. “Move over,” he said, more playfully than with any true malice.

He positioned himself in the center of the bed, on top of the down-filled coverlet, and I crawled in next to him. “Here,” he said and pulled my upper half onto his chest. I rested my head against him, listening to the steady beating of his heart. My own heart constricted for an instant before he wrapped an arm around me, resting his hand against the skin of my bare arm. I remember nothing but feeling a sense of calm and tranquility before I drifted back to sleep.

Chapter Nine

The gown was a work of art. I’d seen nothing even remotely like it. Although I’d be the first to admit I dearly missed the freedom of my trousers and threadbare tunics, there was something to be said about a pretty dress too. Words escaped me, and for the first time, Isawwhat I imagined a queen to look like when I beheld my reflection in the mirror.

The cut was modest without being cloying, giving my curves the perfect hourglass shape. And the fabric,the fabric—a deep blue at first glance, but then also purple and pink and silver when I moved, as though Darius cut a swath from the night sky. The bodice was ruched and without true sleeves, but rather small bits of fabric that encircled my upper arms. And the bottom part of the gown was made up of pieces of the same fabric, all in varying lengths and widths—ever-moving, flowing, as if on a phantom breeze.