He chuckled, and I stopped mid chew to admire the dimples in his cheeks. He was afinemale. I couldn’t find a single flaw in his face. “Yes, that. Exactly that.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” I teased, pouring both myself and him wine from an ivory pitcher.

I was about to ask him if he’d heard anything about the Day Court emissary’s arrival. The Queen of the Day Court had not only accepted the invitation, but hand selected someone to attend my Blessing Ceremony—when a servant entered the room, unable to hide her surprise at finding Alaric seated at my table, “Your sentries have arrived, captain. Should I tell them to wait outside?”

Alaric moved to stand, but it was me who answered, “Send them in.”

The servant bowed and left the room. Alaric busied himself brushing crumbs from his leather armor, his lips firmly sealed.

I heard them before I saw them and knew straight away who he’d selected. Pushing myself from the table, I stood to greet the winged twins as they barged into the room.

“Hello again,” I said, pushing my hair back behind my shoulders.

Alaric came to stand at my side, leaning in close to my ear, “I know I said they were trouble-makers, but they’re loyal, and two of the best fighters I commanded. I can… choose others if you’d like.”

“Trying to get rid of us already?” one drawled, a brow raised. He took my hand, planting a warm kiss on the back. “Your Majesty, we’ll protect you with our lives.”

“We are at your service,” the other added, his tone serious and voice deep. I shivered. Protection was great and all, but what about other kinds of service…Stop it, Liana!

Alaric pulled my hand from the twin who still held it, “Enough, you two. She still hasn’t appro—”

“I approve.” I couldn’t help it, I wasbeamingat them.

“The council has petitioned to select the other two sentries,” Alaric said, “But, of course, you will have the final say.”

I nodded, unable to wipe the smile from my face. Kade was the one who had kissed my hand, and Finn was the other. I could find nothing to physically to tell them apart—but where Finn was calm and cool, with a pensive stare and steady eyes, Kade was the opposite. He had an aloofness, and a crooked mischievous smile that made me want to break all the rules.

They were known as trouble-makers, and I bet they knew how to have fun. I was looking forward to knowing what that would be like.

Maybe they can teach me.

I turned back to the table, pouring two more chalices with wine, “A toast,” I announced, “To the Captain of the Royal Guard and his sentries.”

The twins needed no coercion and took the chalices from my outstretched hands.

“And to Liana, the Queen of the Night Court,” Alaric said, lifting his own chalice from the table and handing me mine, “Long may she reign.”

“Long may she reign,” Kade and Finn echoed.

I tipped the contents of my chalice back, savoring the tart sweetness as it slid down my throat and warmed my insides. I knew that flavor, even concealed as it was in the wine.

“No!” I shouted, lunging to knock the chalice from Alaric’s hand, it’s contents pitching onto the white rug. “Stop, don’t drink it!” I shouted again before either of the twins could do more than wet their lips. “Spit it out,” I ordered.

“Your Majesty?” Alaric’s eyes widened, and his face drained of color, “What is it?”

The pain began in my stomach, reaching its burning claws up the back of my neck, causing a thunderous ache in my head. I swayed. Kade caught me, his strong arms curling around my shoulders. Finn and Alaric raced to my side. “Verbane,” I choked out.

“Finn, go get a healer, now!” Finn charged to the balcony as opposed to the door and I watched as he spread his great black wings. They were magnificent, strong, and unlike anything I’d ever beheld.

“Wait,” I called to him, earning myself confused looks from the threesome. The pain already subsiding to a tolerable level, I told them, using Kade as a crutch to get back to my feet, “It won’t kill me. It’s just… uncomfortable.”

“But, Liana, the poison—”

I shook my head, “I’ve been eating verbane berries since I was a child. I’m all but immune to its effect.”

The three of them shared a look, Finn not moving from his place at the balcony’s edge.

“That is incredibly smart, majesty,” Kade said, leaning in, one arm still braced at the small of my back. His breath caressed my neck, raising the small hairs there. He smelled of spice and something akin to the forest on a hot day. Intoxicating.