Using Thana’s love for me as leverage. What a manipulative ass.“Fine,” I said before Thana could answer him, “Perhaps you’re right and it would be wise to have someone well trained, equipped, andtrustworthyto protect me at my side.”

The captain nodded his agreement, shifting a foot forward to follow. I held up a hand, meeting his confused stare. “Alaric will escort me.”

“But, Your Majesty, I—” the captain started, but I held up my hand again to silence him, catching the slight widening of Alaric’s eyes, and the tightening of his jaw.

“My decision is final,” I said, waiting for Alaric to move into place at my side before following a tense Thana from the foyer. I called back over my shoulder, “I will see you tonight, captain, at the council meeting.”

Chapter Three

We’d encountered few others walking the halls and corridors of the palace, and I was grateful because it gave me time to admire its stunning architecture. The palace was built under the reign of Morgana, and I had to admit, she had great taste. There wasn’t a single thing about it I would change. As we rounded a bend, the stairwell leading up to the royal quarters came into view across a grand ballroom. I was excited—eager to see where I would spend my nights. Anything was better than the small, lumpy bed in the shared cottage on the isle.

Thana surprised me by not chastising me for my outburst with the captain, but if the wringing of her hands was any indication, she was only waiting until we were alone to reign the fury of the gods down on me.

Laughter echoed from another corridor to our right, the sound growing closer. Perhaps it was my imagination, but Alaric seemed to tense. Two males emerged from the corridor, spilling into the ballroom. I blinked, realizing I had stopped in my slow walk to stare.

They were identical, from their rich honey brown hair to their laughing ochre eyes. Both shirtless. My fists clenched at my sides.Why were they shirtless?Their tan skin shone in the orange glow of sunset filtering in from the arched windows, contouring each of their muscles with strokes of shadow and light. Even their faces were the same, one a perfect mirror image of the other.

The instant they caught sight of Alaric, they raced over, their wings tucked in close to their backs.Wings!I had heard of the Draconian race of the Night Court, but they were so rare. Thana told me there was only a handful left.

Once, they could shift their bodies entirely, becoming the dragons of a time long since past. Now, their descendants muddled bloodlines could still produce the leathery black wings and were said to have skin as tough as scales, but nothing more.

“Alaric!” they shouted in unison, rushing to wrap their arms around him—clap him on the back.

“How have things been?” one asksed.

“Camp isn’t the same without you. Those useless—”

The one on the right who had been speaking shut his mouth when he noticed Thana and I. The other one followed suit, and in unison, they both dropped to one knee.

“Forgive us, Your Majesty.”

Alaric cleared this throat, gesturing to the two males before us, “Your Majesty, this is Kade,” he said, pointing to the one on my right, “And Finn,” he continued, pointing to the one on the left, “They are—er—werein my unit at the Horde camp.”

The one called Kade peeked up at Alaric, “And now we’re stuck with general whatshisname.”

Alaric didn’t conceal his laugh, or the shake of his head as he said, “Apologies, majesty. These two are trouble-makers through and through. They do not understand how to act in the presence of royalty.”

Kade waggled his thick brows at Alaric, “We were once a trio of trouble-makers if I remember correctly.”

Finn punched his brother’s arm and together they stood.

“A pleasure to meet you both. And I’m sorry for stealing away your general. He’s been very… helpful these past few days.”

Kade and Finn shared a look, and I realized what they thought I was implying. And the way they stared at me, brows furrowed as they took in the full length of me, ochre eyes mischievous and glinting with something akin to hunger. My stomach flipped, and a blush crept onto my face before I could turn away.

“The queen needs to rest,” Thana scorned, taking my arm in hers, “She has had a very long journey.”

Finn brushed a hand through his tousled hair, “Of course. We look forward to seeing you again, and welcome back at court, Your Majesty.”

Kade nodded his goodbye, bending into another small bow and they left us. Alaric watched as they walked away, shaking his head as they passed out of view and their laughter began again.

The royal quarterswere not what I was expecting. The rooms themselves were grand. The parlor was large enough to fit the cottage where I grew up threefold, and the bathing room was gigantic, the black marble basin big enough to bathe three people at the same time. And the bed—thebed!It waslargeand covered with down pillows and duvets. A quick stroke of the sheets and I knew they were of the finest silk. But everything was white, blank… boring. The furniture was white. The bedding, white. The walls and curtains and carpets, all white.

“You should rest,” Thana said, drawing back the covers on the bed.

Despite my protests that Alaric could enter my quarters, Thana demanded that it would be improper and forced him to stand guard at the entrance.

I wandered out onto the terrace, ignoring her gentle command, taking in the night as it swept over the bay on a warm breeze. Thana came to stand beside me, sighing. “You should be more careful,” she said, pushing a stray lock of her auburn hair back from her thin face. “The captain has held his position for many years and holds a good amount of sway with the council. You shouldn’t torment him so.”