“What did you just say?” Alaric asked Finn, entering my bedchamber without knocking, as usual.

Finn schooled his face into a look of professional indifference, “Nothing.” He said plainly.

“Better be nothing.”

Since the two Draconian’s had been with me all night, I supposed it was Alaric who would guard me through the day. The feeling of disappointment surprised me. Only days ago, I wanted to spend all my time with him, now the sight of him frustrated me to no end.

“That’s our cue,” Kade said, launching himself from the bed, but not before giving me a wink and one of his trademark grins, “See you tonight.”

Finn followed his brother from the room, cutting a sly glance my way before he closed the door behind them.

Alaric ran a hand through his hair, “They’re setting up the table for lunch,” he said, never once meeting my eyes, “Are you hungry?”

Once I thought about it, I was ravenous—and couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten a proper meal. I nodded, stepping from the bed to gather the airy lavender gown someone had set out next to the dressing table. A thought crossed my mind, and a sneaky grin tugged at my lips.

I stripped off my night clothes, letting them fall into a pile around my ankles. I delighted in the sound of Alaric’s sharp intake of breath. If he wouldn’t agree to what I had offered him—and his sentries, then he would be made to see what he was missing. With my eyes downcast, I took my time dressing, with slow, purposeful movements.

Once I had finished, pulling on a pair of sand-colored heels, I peeked up at him from beneath my lashes.

His eyes met mine, and I could see the beast in him, longing to be free. His hands twitched at his side, “So cruel,” he breathed.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I replied sweetly, leaving the room with a shrug, the fabric of my skirt swirling around my legs.

Lunch was laid out on the table, a simple meal of breads, preserved meats, fruits, and various cheeses. But was that Nispero jelly? I hadn’t had the fruit in years. It was my favorite, and only grew in the far south, and could only be harvested once per year. I lifted the spoon from the dish, reaching for a slice of bread. Alaric snatched it from my hand, clucking his tongue in disapproval.

Right.Selbi stood near the wall, waiting for me to sit before she began her tasting.

Alaric pulled my chair out for me, and begrudgingly, I dropped the spoon back into the pot and sat down. My stomach growled in protest.

She began her tasting and I could barely contain myself, my knees bobbing beneath the table.

“I’ve never seen someone get so excited about jam,” Alaric teased.

I resisted the urge to snicker at him.

“Not just any jam,” Thana said, entering from the parlour, “It’s her favorite,” she said and scooped a spoonful from the pot, slathering a piece of bread with glistening orange fruit. Selbi had already tasted it, but I had to wait until Rin came through and did the second tasting. I opened my mouth to warn Thana not to eat it but could say nothing in front of Selbi. Alaric seemed not to notice.

Thana bit into the bread, and I glared at her, “It’s perfect,” she said, and then wandered into my chambers, emerging a moment later with my crown. “I’m taking it to be polished, for the Solstice Ball,” she announced before sauntering out of the royal quarters.

The moment Selbi left through the servants’ entrance on the far side of the room, Rin came in through the main entrance, escorted by Tiernan.Tiernan?

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, looking at Alaric for the answer, and back to Tiernan when my captain didn’t offer one.

“I offered to help. Kade and Finn needed rest, and I had nothing better to do.”

“And the guards at his cell justgavehim to you?”

Alaric cleared his throat, “I gave Tiernan permission to retrieve him.”


Alaric leaned over me, splaying his fingers on the table, “Since you seem bent on keeping the emissary around—I thought he might as well be useful. Or do you have a problem with that?”

I didn’t believe him. Not for a second. He didn’t trust Tiernan, and likely never would. He had another motive, but I couldn’t fathom what it was. “No,” I told him, “I don’t.”

“Of course, you don’t.” Disappointment flared on his face before he turned back to Rin and Tiernan, “Rin, you may start.”

Tiernan made himself scarce, standing with his hands clasped behind his back near the window. The breeze tugged at his golden hair, and the hazy sunlight painted his skin bronze.Stop it, Liana.An image of Kade came unbidden into my mind, kneeled before me, teasing me, torturing me, making me say I belonged to them as surely as they belonged to me. My skin bristled.