There we sat in silence for what seemed an hour but could only have been a few moments, and then, “There,” he said, letting go of my arm and setting my hand into my lap.

I gingerly touched the spot he was holding, a phantom pressure still lingering there. Then I realized, my eyes widening as my hand flew to my stomach, “How?” I asked, incredulous. The nausea was gone, replaced with a ravenous hunger I hadn’t felt for the better part of two days.

Alaric shrugged, moving to stand, “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Your Majesty.”

“Liana.” I corrected, “We aren’t even at court yet and I’m already tired of all the formality.”

“I couldn’t possibly,” he stuttered, a note of worry in his words, “My captain would have my head.”

My dressing robe came off the post of my bed with a sharp tug. I stood next to him, wrapping the light material over my undergarments—not realizing until it was too late that it’s improper for a lady to be undressed in front of anyone but her handmaidens.Damn all these rules! How am I ever to remember them all?They could have thrown a few males onto that rock in the middle of the sea with me if only so I’d have learned how to behave in front of them.

“When we’re alone then,” I said, immediately regretting the words.When we’re alone? Why should we have any reason to be alone together ever again? Stupid.Thana was right, I would be a disaster of a queen.

He cleared his throat, doing his absolute best to avert his gaze as I finished tying the dressing robe. “Yes, your maj—er, Liana. It would be my honor.” He moved to the doorway, and I was about to thank him for his help when he turned, “It’s best to be outside, to quell the seasickness. Meloran will be on the horizon at dawn. If you’d like, I can send word when it’s within our sights.”

“Yes. I would like that.”

Meloran.The land stretched on as far as my eyes could see in either direction. To the north lay the Wastes, and even with the distance I could see the mountainous landscape, and how the sun—though it shone brightly on us, didn’t dare touch it. It was where the first Fae settled, and was the original Night Court until it fell to ruin under the rule of the Mad King some millennia ago.

To the south lay the realm of the Day Court, our perpetual adversaries, though I couldn’t understand why. Sure, there was a war between courts a thousand years ago, but that was then. This is now. With my Fae eyes, I could see how the trees seemed greener, how the sunlight played on the water near their shores, making it seem more transparent, almost turquoise.

And ahead, cast in both shadow and light, lay the Night Court.My court.I watched, transfixed, as we drew nearer. The palace came into view after a short time, its spires, towers, and walkways all seemed hewn from the stars themselves and shone like polished ivory against the dark stone of the cliffside. It was beyond anything I could’ve imagined, and even more beautiful than how Thana described it.

“Your Majesty, I present to you your kingdom.” The Captain of the Queen’s Guard came to stand beside me at the bow, “It must seem vast compared to the Isle of Mist.”

Yes, I thought,remind me I’ve spent the entirety of my life trapped on an all but deserted island as if I’d forgotten.I did not give him the courtesy of a response, turning instead to where Thana waited to escort me below deck. It was time to get ready, as she kept reminding me, I couldn’t be seen wearing trousers outside of the ship. She shrieked when she beheld me wearing them, ordering me to remove them at once. I’d always preferred trousers and simple blouses to skirts and gowns. On the isle, I could wear what I liked. It seemed now, I didn’t have a say in even that.

“You’re a fast learner,” I mused as Thana braided and twisted my hair into an elaborate crown-like shape on top of my head. I watched her reflection in the mirror raise an eyebrow in question, “Do you know how long Alaric has been a member of the Queen’s Guard?”

She pulled my hair tighter, her lips pursed, “Taken a liking to him, have you?”

I shrugged.

“He’s brand new, all of them are save for the captain.”

I moved to face her, but she tugged my head back into place by my hair, “All?” I asked, allowing her to finish sticking pins into my skull, “Why were they all replaced?”

She inhaled slowly, considering, “The captain had reason to believe they were involved in the assassination of Enya, so, he banished them. But don’t worry dear, the new sentries have extensive training. He hand selected three of them and the council selected the fourth as is custom. YourAlaricwas second in command to the Captain of the Horde.”

The Horde? He didn’t seem like the warrior type—in looks maybe, with his wide chest and corded muscle, but not in any other way I’d think a member of our armies to be.

Thana draped a delicate strand of black diamonds around my neck and stepped back to admire her handiwork, smiling one of her rare smiles, “There. You’re stunning.”

I shook my head at her, unconcerned with my appearance. “Send word to the council members when we arrive. I’d like to meet with them. Tonight.”

The moodat the palace was a far cry from that of the townsfolk. When we disembarked from the ship at sunset, an energetic crowd met us with cheers and shouts. They were joyous and stumbling over one another to welcome me home and give me their well wishes. With Alaric on one side of me, the captain on the other, and the other three sentries and Thana flanking us, none of them tried to get too close.But they were my people, shouldn’t I feel safe among them?They were, after all, ungraced, and therefore posed little threat.

“Welcome home, Your Majesty,” a groundskeeper said as we entered the palace gardens and I thanked her quietly, taking in the grandeur of the foliage surrounding us. There were flowers the size of my head, and some as tiny as a breadcrumb. And colors, so many colors—and smells. Heady smells that tickled my nose gave a sense of calm.

I was glad there was no applause there, nor any sort of welcome. It was a place of peaceful solitude, and I liked it that way.

On the other side of the gardens lay a marble-arched hallway connecting one wing of the palace to the other. Thana took the lead, steering us towards the western wing. On entering the mass of hewn stone, she turned on her heel to face the captain and his sentries, “Liana is in need of rest, I will escort her to her quarters.”

The captain looked taken aback at the subtle command in Thana’s words, “I cannot allow the queen to be unattended, even within the walls of the palace. I will accompany you.”

“You will not,” the words squeaked past my lips before I could stop them, “I mean, am I not safe in my palace, or are you that terrible at your job, captain?”And there I go again…I could almost hear Thana’s chastising voice in my head,patience, integrity, loyalty, and honesty, those are the traits of a great leader, not pig-headedness and pride.

He had the sense to remain silent for an instant before he said, “With the recent assassination of the late queen—gods rest her eternal soul—I would think it wise to stay with you at all times. Wouldn’t you agree, Thana?”