Thana was there when I nearly died as a child from eating the poisonous berries, but not she, nor any of the sisters knew I continued to eat them well into adolescence, and often snacked on them during my walks about the isle.

Edris produced an air of concern, his lips turning downward into a frown. “Have you caught the person responsible?” he asked.

“No. And my taster is very thorough, I can’t imagine how she missed it. Though I trust her not to make the same mistake twice.”

Alaric cleared his throat, a habit I now knew was born of nerves, but he said nothing.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Edris offered, his steady gaze betraying nothing. He was good.Too good.I wondered how old he was, and how long he’d had to become adapted to the trickery and scheming that was life at the palace.

I stood, the crown weighing me like a boulder atop my head, “You can keep this knowledge to yourself. No one outside of this room should know. And if you meant what you said, I trust you to see to it that thispetitionto place you in power is overthrown.”

I watched his adams apple bob when he swallowed and painted on a mask of determination. “I will, Liana.”

“And Edris,” I called after him before he could depart, “You may address me from now on with my proper title.”

Alaric waited for the sound of the main door closing behind Edris before he spoke, his tone laced with fury, “Explain yourself.”

Chapter Twelve

After rushing Thana from the room, I explained to Alaric what I had done. He didn’t agree with me at first, but eventually relented. It was done. There was no taking it back. Though Alaric made it clear he would behead Edris himself and be done with it.

He was convinced Edris was behind the attempts on my life, and though I wasn’t yet certain, I was leaning toward agreeing with him.

But the Night Court adored the King Consort. We couldn’t eliminate him without causing uproar. At least, not until we could provide proof…

If Edris was behind the assassination attempts and thought we suspected him, he would sever all ties to his accomplices and find other means to get rid of me. But if he thought I trusted him with information—and if he thought I trusted my taster, and that I was susceptible to verbane, he may try the same tactic again. And we would be ready when he did.

“You’re reckless,” Alaric murmured once I had finished, “Tooreckless. Please include me in your decision making from here on, at least as it pertains to your safety.”

I would make no promises, but I nodded.

“You should rest,” he said, rising from the settee with a stretch and a yawn. “I’ll tell the council you are well and will address the court tomorrow.”

I stood, shaking my head, “You’re the one who needs to rest. Am I wrong to assume you haven’t slept since the ceremony?”

He didn’t answer.

“I’m going to the library to help Finn, and I’ll be there for as long as it takes to figurethisout,” I said, drawing air circles around my eyes. “And while I’m doing that, I’d like it if you rested.”

Alaric pressed his lips together in a slight frown, bowing low, a mocking tone to his voice when he said, “Yes, YourMajesty. If that will please you.”

I shoved his chest when he rose, catching him off guard. He stumbled backward a step before regaining his balance and clearing his throat. “Don’tYour Majestyme. Have you seen your reflection? You look terrible. I’m doing you a favor,” I joked, tearing the crown from my head and tossing it onto a cushioned ottoman. “Now, shall we?”

We weren’t in the corridor for more than a few moments when Selbi came into view, walking toward the royal quarters. Kade was no where to be seen, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t following somewhere out of sight.

“Oh, Your Majesty,” she said, speaking in my presence for what I thought was the first time, “I was so glad to hear you’d recovered. The kitchens were just preparing your evening meal, and I thought I would taste—”

“Very good.” I cut her off mid-ramble, and noted how her cheeks inflamed before she could bow her head, “I’ll not be returning to my quarters for a while, but please, go ahead without me. I’ll dine when I return.”

“Yes, majesty,” she squeaked out, taking off at a near run down the corridor.

Before she was out of sight, Kade appeared before us.

“Watch the taster closely,” Alaric barked at Kade before he could open his mouth to greet us. “Liana took it upon herself to stir the pot. Make note of everything she does, and everywhere she goes. I’ll explain later.”

Kade winked at me before he combusted into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. “Did he just…”Did he just disappear?

Alaric clucked his tongue, “Such a showman,” he teased, “Useful trick, though.”