“I almost passed over it at first, until I remembered Mav’s real name isn’t Maverick. Took a lot of fucking elbow grease, but I found out his real name is Clancy, and then I went over every factoryagain.” I jabbed the screen with the pad of my index finger. “The lease on this factory is in the name Clancy Moore.”

Diesel nodded at the grainy image. “You did good, Son.”

“We still need to scope it out. I’ve looked everywhere but wasn’t able to find any building plans or schematics for this place. We need to know all the entry and exit points. If there are cameras. Safeguards. We can’t rush in blind.”

“I’ll do it,” AJ offered. “I’m small, and I’m fast. I’ll be in and out before they know I’m there.”

“Fuck no.” It was Diesel who said it, but it was the echo of what the others and I were thinking. “Sorry, Ava Jade, but last time my boys lost you they almost lost themselves, too. I’ll send Mickey.”

AJ’s expression soured, but for once she didn’t argue.

Mickey gave a terse nod from across the table, his already hollow cheeks sucking in as he worked his jaw. “I’ve got it, boss.”

“Go prepare what you need. You leave after nightfall. I want that intel by morning.”

“If you go through the national park to come up on it from the rear, watch for surveillance in the trees,” I called after him, making him stop. “And if you see any trails oranythingthat looks like the entrance to a bunker, take note of the coordinates.”

Mickey gave another nod and left.

“Have you secured the buyer for the Fabergé eggs and jewelry?” Corvus asked.

“It’s done. We have the cash. The meet with the Mexicans is tomorrow and we’ll have everything we need.”

“You want us there for that?” Rook asked eagerly, but I could tell from Dies’ expression that he was about to decline.

“No. I need you here to keep a lid on things. This is our second rendezvous with Los Diablos. We’ve been a good earner for their illegal sales. Despite what we thought at the start, I don’t believe them to be a threat. In fact, they’re shaping up to be a regular supplier. They’re cheaper than our contacts to the east, and they’ve been in the business since before I was fucking born.”

“Could be a mistake,” Corvus put in, but Diesel was already decided.

“It’s a risk we’ll need to take.”

I turned the aerial image of the factory around to face me, looking for weak points to exploit in the grainy image. “If this is it, what’s the play?”

“We attack,” AJ answered from my left, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “We can’t wait for them to hit us first. We don’t have the numbers. We hitthemfirst. Hit them hard. Leave no survivors.”

“Fuck,” I heard Rook groan under his breath, turned on by our girl’s penchant for violence. I had to admit, it turned me on when she took control like that, too.

“She’s right,” Diesel announced and a few whispers went up through the crew.

“They might have the numbers, but we have this.” He thumped a closed fist over his chest.

“And this.” He jabbed two fingers into his temple.

“If we plan this just right, we can wipe them from the board with one stroke. Finish it for good.” He pushed himself to his full height. “Get ready, crew. We’ll be feasting on King flesh by the weekend.”

Mickey’s sketchesof the factory were fucking atrocious, but they would have to do. He confirmed it. The Kings were there. Holed up inside. He heard arguing inside and there had been at least fifteen cars parked along an old dirt service road leading up to the place.

There hadn’t been a Jeep, but that didn’t mean Carson wasn’t there. He had to be there. We had eyes on the only exit road branching off from the service road now, and only one car had left while two others returned since Mickey got back.

They were definitely camping out there and the only exterior precautions they were taking were a few trip wires and from what Mickey could tell, only one security cam facing the road.

The plan was simple, and we went over it for the fifth time since its inception.

“Pinkie, you’re coming in from the northwest with Greg. Mickey with Ryan from the southeast side.”

“And we’re hitting it direct from the southwest face,” Grey finished for Diesel.

“Right. Each of you chucks your grenades into the windows, here, here, and here on my mark.”