I gasped, pulling him closer, putting my ear to his chest, listening to make sure I wasn’t mistaken. The insane speed of his pulsethump-thumpedagainst my cheek like a cheetah at full sprint.

When I pulled away, I could see it written all over his face. The guilt and shame. The pain.The fear.

“What did you do?”

He looked away, his jaw grinding.

He wasn’t going to get off that fucking easy. I snatched his hand and dragged him the few yards down the hall to a door labeled ‘Supply Closet,’ opening it and shoving him inside. I closed the door behind us.

“Where is it?”

He didn’t even bother trying to deny it, instead his gaze tracked to his left pocket, and I dug into it, coming up with a small ball of foil.

Hot tears burned in my eyes as I clenched it in my fist. “Why?”

“I needed it—”

“That’s bullshit.”

He bristled, still unwilling to look me in the eyes.

“Where did you get it?”

My tired mind was already trying to work through the logistics of how to proceed from here. What I needed to do. Slit his dealer’s throat was number one on the list, followed closely by chaining his rogue ass to something immovable until all of it left his system.

He backed away a step in the tight space, leaning against a shelf full of mop heads and jugs of bleach. The whole room stank of it.

“I asked you a fucking question,” I snapped, closing the gap he tried to put between us, needing him to see how serious I was.

I may not have been there, but I knew what he went through from the stories the guys told me and all the things they didn’t say about those dark years but communicated about with their solemn silence and looks.

It was bad. And it had been even worse trying to get him clean.

“That,” he said, nodding at my closed fist and the drugs I held. “From a guy in Lennox. But the first eight ball came from—”

He cut himself off, clenching his teeth.

“From who?”

“Take a guess.”

My lips popped open.

“He left it for me in the shed at the Nest. A gift.”

“And your first thought washey, I’ll just put this right up my nose?” I was screaming now, but I couldn’t help it. My skin was buzzing,burningwith rage.

I shoved him hard in the chest. “What if it’d been laced? What if he was trying to kill you and you just—”

“I didn’t do it when I fucking found it,” Rook interrupted, hurt in his coked out eyes. “I had it for weeks before I did it. It was only when—”

“When what?”

“Fuck, Ghost, let me finish!”

I stifled the very real urge to punch him in the dick and walk out the door.

He sighed. “When you didn’t come back. That’s when I did it. When I realized that something was wrong andyou needed me. You needed us.”