“What?” he answered.

“Who is it?”

“Dies,” Grey replied, listening to something our father was saying on the other end. “He just got back.”

I nodded.

“I can’t right now.”

I stood, feeling heavy and cold. My body aching for more of the white powder burning a hole in my pocket.

I didn’t realize I’d stuffed my hand in, feeling the spiky edges of the foil until Grey snapped something at Diesel on the phone and I tore my hand free, swallowing the taste of acid on my tongue.

I lit a cigarette, putting it to my lips as I strode closer to the door, trying to listen to what was happening inside. The ceaseless Christmas music blaring through the halls wasn’t fucking helping my nerves, either.

“You can’t smoke in here, Rook,” Grey said, covering the receiver with his palm. “It’s a fucking hospital.”

I lifted a brow at him, ashing on the floor. “Watch me.”

Thanks to a generous donation from Diesel of the rest of our working capital as well as a blackmail threat to some jackass on the hospital board, we owned this place. At least for the next forty-eight hours.

Nothing would be reported to the useless sacks of shit at Thorn Valley PD, and I doubted a bit of laced tobacco smoke was going to change that.

He rolled his eyes, saying nothing as he went back to his conversation with Dies. “Come up here, then. I’m not leaving—”

“Go,” I told Grey, knowing our father would want a full account of everything straight from the horse’s mouth. He’d want to know where we found her.Howwe found her. And anything else she told us. Which at this point was almost nothing.

She’d been painfully silent since we found her, but I knew that would change. She just needed a fucking minute to catch her breath. I’d wait. And Diesel would fucking wait, too.

“What?” Grey snapped, his gaze straying to the closed door. “I’m not—”

“I’ve got her,” I told him, taking another drag. “I’ll bring her back down to Corv’s room as soon as she’s done.”

His expression tightened, but he nodded, speaking more roughly as he replied to our father. “I’ll be down in a sec.”

He spared one more longing look at the door before turning on his heel to leave, storming down the hall to the elevator.

I inhaled deeply through my nose and stubbed out my cigarette beneath my boot, my hand absently going back to the tiny bulge in my pocket before I curled it into a fist and knocked hard on the door.

“Almost done in there?”

No answer. I tried the handle. Locked.

“Just a second,” came a muffled reply from the nurse. I couldn’t hear my Ghost.

I banged again. Harder.

“Open up!”

No answer.

My stomach dropped.

Three… two…

I stepped back, reaching for my gun to blow the entire handle off just as the door swung open and the nurse gasped at the sight of me, shuffling backward into the room.

I pushed past her to find my Ghost wincing as she sat up on the table, her legs dangling over the edge.