He took the turn at nearly eighty miles an hour and the Jag fishtailed out on the road, facing the minivan pulled over on the shoulder a hundred yards down.

The driver’s side door hung open to the night air, and in the cabin light I could see the woman making wild gestures with her arms, lifting them high. Trying and failing to fend off the person attempting to steal her wheels.

A glint of steel in the moonlight.

A flash of dark hair whipping in the wind.

I was already opening the passenger side door before Grey could slow the Jag.

“Rook,” he hissed, his fist twisting in the back of my jacket to stop me as the tires screeched, slowing the Jag and her face turned toward us, sea glass eyes violently unhinged.


I lost my footing, thrown to my damn face on the uneven pavement on the side of the road as I stepped out of the still rolling car.

She threw the woman from the drivers’ seat onto the ground and stepped into the minivan.


The Jag purred as Grey floored it, cutting her off, the front of the van crushing against the side of the Jag.


She fell from the driver’s side door, coughing, struggling to get back to her feet. To run.

I chased after her, willing her to see me, hearing the Jag door open.

My Ghost limped as she ran, barefoot, wearing nothing but a bit of torn, dirty fabric on her naked body.


This time she jerked to a standstill, her shoulders heaving as she hunched her body, curling in on herself, her palms pressing tight to her ears. “No, no, no,” she muttered.


Grey blew past me, catching up to her.

“Not now,” she was screaming, pounding on her head.

She lashed out as Grey neared, a skinny bit of sharp metal in her fist. She slashed at him violently.

“AJ. AJ, it’s me.It’s me.”

I panted, throwing an arm out to stop Grey from advancing on her.

“Ghost,” I said, calmer now despite the buzzing in my veins.

I knew that look.

The sheen in her too-wide eyes. The pupils dilated to extremes.

When I got my hands on the filth that drugged her, I was going to rip him apart.

“This is real,” I told her, shocked at the sting in my eyes. The ache in my gut that demanded I go to her. Touch her. Hold her. To make sureIwasn’t the one hallucinating. “We’re here.”

I felt the moment Grey caught on to what was happening, his body stiffening against my still-extended arm.

“We aren’t a hallucination.”