“Well, let’s lookagain.”

I held the dart between my lips as I opened the map app again on my phone, zooming into our location, scrolling to the left to find the service road again. “Take the next right and then it’s a left about a half mile down.”

My heart beat out an uneven rhythm in my chest, and I coughed to cover a violent shudder, grinding my teeth as I set my phone down in favor of tapping the armrest. Mouth dryer than if it had been scoured out with a fresh kitchen sponge.

I couldn’t wait anymore.

“Pull over, man. I gotta take a piss.”


I fixed him with a look, gesturing to the bottle of bourbon by my feet and the water in the cup holder he’d been making me drink alongside it.

He rolled his eyes before pulling the Jag onto the shoulder. I stepped out into the moonlight, stalking a little ways into the tree line, limping, making a show of stretching out my legs while the Jag idled at my back.

A quick glance over my shoulder showed Grey’s face illuminated on the light from his phone screen. Checking the map again no doubt. We’d planned to do one more round of driving through this area before starting on foot into the forest around the place where Grey’s found footage cut off.

I wasn’t looking forward to that, but I had something that would help get me through.

I took the silver ball of foil Dan the Man gave me at the Pub and opened it, careful not to drop any of the powder contained inside.

“Let’s go!” Grey shouted out the window, honking, nearly making me drop it.

“Jesus Christ, I’m coming!”

I bent low, pretending to fix my boot lace as I fingered the blade from the sheath at my ankle, lifted a small mountain of white from the foil with the tip and snorted it from the sharp metal.

My eyes rolled back as the chemical burn shot through me, making my muscles ripple with it. The pull of exhaustion fleeing like a distant memory.

“Dude, are you taking a shit right now? Really?”

“Fuck, Grey!”

I heard the window roll up, and I wrapped the foil back over the blow, twisting it tight before sheathing the blade back where it belonged.

Rising to my feet, I luxuriated in the feel of a fresh white wave crashing through my system.

I stopped, squinting into the dark.

A light shone dimly through the trees ahead to the left. Headlights, I realized. Far away. On the road that intersected this one a half a mile up.

The car wasn’t driving, though. The headlights were sedentary. Whoever it was, they were pulled over. On a random backroad. In the middle of butt fuck nowhere. At almost eleven at night.

A horn blasted, long and loud.

I raced back to the Jag, ripping the door open to throw myself inside.

“Did you hear—”

“Drive,” I roared, dread singing in my veins, vivid images of my Ghost, pale and unmoving on the side of the road strobing in my mind.

I braced myself on the dash, my heart a jackhammer in my chest as Grey peeled away from the shoulder back onto the road.

My skin tightened, flexing, constricting me like a cage.

“What is it?” Grey shouted over the roar of the engine. “What did you see?”

“Go!” I hissed, urging him to speed up, my breaths coming ragged.