“Hey!” I shouted again, coughing.

I didn’t stop there, making myself move, I frantically began tearing all the foam from the walls, ripping it off in great swaths and little chunks where it was glued down more heavily. I screamed as I worked. As the foam piled on the floor at my feet and I had to kick through it, rushing to do the next wall, and the next, ignoring the way my body protested the movements.

Ignoring the screaming pain in my thigh until I couldn’t anymore, growling as I collapsed to my knees, a sharp cry on my lips as the impact tore something.

I pressed a hand to my leg and it came away red.

For the first time, I noticed the way my pants were hanging off my one leg. Torn from my ankle all the way up past my knee. The once white bandage wrapped tightly around my thigh was now stained every shade of red with blood. It was too much for the bandage to contain anymore and ran in wispy streaks down my leg.

I felt around my thigh, pressing gingerly on the exit wound around the other side.

Through and through.


I remembered.

But I didn’t remember how this bandage got here.

Or the wiry ridge of stitches I could feel poking through the soiled gauze.

What else hadn’t I felt?

I swallowed back bile, grimacing.

Somewhere outside the door, the loud clamor of another slamming shut echoed into the room.


I got back to my feet, holding back a sound of pain as I spun through the foam, looking for something. Anything to use aside from the spongy material that would donothingto help me unless I wanted to start a fucking pillow fight with a sadistic fuck like Drake.

My necklace. My hands flew to my chest, to the black diamond resting there. No. The dainty chain wouldn’t be strong enough.

My gaze caught on the hem of my black dress, and I remembered the laces running up the back.

Heavy footsteps rang in my ears from somewhere far off, getting nearer.

I let my ass fall onto the pillow of foam and wasted no time twisting my arms behind me to the point of pulling them from their sockets, tugging the laces free. My fingers plucked and pulled until I had the full length of thin cord between my hands. I grinned, scrambling backward to the wall where the door was until I was close enough to use it to aid me in standing.

The bones of my back pressed flat against the tacky wall just next to the door, and I held my breath, winding the lace around each fist, pulling the length between them taut, praying it was strong enough. I shook my head, practically foaming at the mouth as the darkness woke once more, pushing back at the drugs trying to drag me down.

I won’t kill him, I decided. That would be too easy.

Just choke him out,the darkness whispered.So we can play with him later.


I smiled despite the whisper of my sanity begging to be heard as we threw it in a closet and locked the fucking door.

The steady rhythm of his strides in the hall meant he hadn’t heard me screaming. Didn’t know I was awake. That I was ready for him.

If I didn’t take him down now, I doubted he would give me the opportunity of taking another stab at him. Not if he was as smart as he seemed to be.

It was a wonder he even left me with the laces in my dress. Either he needed to take off quickly, or he didn’t expect me to wake up before he returned. Either way, his mistake.

His fucking funeral.

I stretched the cord between my fists, closing my eyes as his footfalls approached the door. Swallowed and breathed deep through my nose to calm my galloping heart.