I wanted to punch it.

They were supposed to find her. They were supposed to save her.

My mind chugged to catch up to the present moment, the rooftop coming back in broken pieces. They were supposed to find her because…

I remembered his hands on her body. Her struggle in that chair.

“Breathe, Bro,” Rook pushed. “You need to keep your BP level. You’re lucky to still be alive.”

The sharp edge to his tone gave away what he wasn’t saying. He wanted to shove me off that roof all over again for being so stupid. But he wouldn’t have done it any differently, would he?

Now, with my thoughts disjointed and loose in my skull, it all seemed so fucking pointless. WhyhadI jumped?

What good would it have done if I died?

Would it have even stopped him?

I dropped my gaze.

“We need to find her.”

I tried to get to my feet.

“Whoa,” Grey chided, pushing down on my shoulders until I grunted, dogged by his resistance. “No, you don’t.”

“We need tofind her.”

“You aren’t doing shit,” Rook said in a dead monotone. “Look at yourself, man.”

This time when I looked up, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the upturned metal tray leaning against the base of the hospital bed. Warped and blurry, I cringed at my own reflection, lifting an unsteady hand to my shaved head, finding a wide bandage at the top rear of my skull.

“You had a subdural hematoma,” Grey was saying, adding something around burr holes and acute fractures that I didn’t understand.

“English, Grey.”

“Your brain was bleeding,” Rook explained. “They needed to drill holes into that thick head to relieve the pressure. And you busted some ribs.”

“Is that all?”

Rook barked a laugh. “If the roof of Dies’ Camaro hadn’t broken the worst of your fall, it would’ve been a lot worse.”


“Don’t worry, we convinced him to kill youafteryou finished healing.”

“Where is he?”

“On his way,” Rook answered. “Now come on, we need to put you back in bed.”

I pulled against their attempt to help lift me. “No. We need to find her.”

…before he…

I closed my eyes against another wave of nausea.

Grey let go of my arm. “I have a lead.”

“What?” Rook and I said at the same time.