“Even the smartest of them make mistakes, son. That guy there,” he pointed to the still-open image of Drake in the driver’s seat. “He saw an opportunity, and he acted. I doubt there was a lot of time for being choosy about transportation.”

I nodded, still thinking it would be a dead end but grateful to my uncle nonetheless.

An alarm blared into the hospital room, jarring us into motion. My uncle and I shared a look, both of us twisting toward the door, where loud, thudding footfalls echoed in the hall.

I drew my gun.

My uncle followed my lead.

A voice on the sound system called for security to room 308.

The door smashed open and Rook’s pale face stuck into the room, breathing hard, his eyes wide black discs. “He’s out of surgery.”

My head poundedlike a fucking jackhammer, making my vision waver and double, smeared with a hazy blur, smudged with bright spots. The lights burned. My body ached like it’d been crushed by a fucking steamroller.

Sour bile coated the back of my throat and I coughed, choking on it as I heaved my battered body up, half rolling off the bed to land on my hands and knees. I vomited onto the tile, the sharp twinge of broken bones along my rib cage protesting the squeeze.

Voices shouted all around me.

Cold fingers wrapped around my biceps and I flung them away, getting unsteadily to my feet.

“Where is she?” I roared, my voice a slurred, raw sound I didn’t recognize.

A sting in the back of my hand had me tearing an IV needle free from my skin, untethering me. I crashed into a large square object that chirped at my attack. The machine whirred as I used it to get my balance.

“Doctor!” someone shouted.

A siren alarm sounded all around me, making me cringe as it bored into my ear canals, making the pain in my head double.

“Sir,” someone was saying. “Mr. James, I need you to—”

I lashed out in the direction of the speaker, my arm connecting, sending the person to the floor.

“Where is she?”

I pressed my palm flat against my ears, hunching as a wave of intense vertigo made the floor beneath my feet shift. “Where is she?”

“Move,” a voice I recognized growled.

“Get away from him,” another added, and I blinked, trying to get my eyes to cooperate as I lifted my head, stumbling into the wall, the heat in my chest suffocating under the pressure of whatever was wrong with me. Making my heart race and blood vessels constrict until I my ass connected with the floor and an icy sweat slicked over my chest.


“Someone turn off that fucking alarm,” Grey hissed, and I struggled to lift my chin as the rough touch of my brother gripped me by the shoulders.

“Corv.Corv. You with us?”

“He can’t be moving right now,” a foreign voice joined theirs. “He needs to be lying down. He needs monitoring. We need to—”

“Shut the fuck up,” Rook seethed at whoever was speaking. “We’ll handle it, just give us some fucking space.”

There came no more argument as the cool tile beneath me slowly brought me back from the edge of darkness, and I was able to focus on their faces.

Rook and Grey came into focus, kneeling on the floor of a mostly-destroyed hospital room. My upper lip twitched as the pain in my head and side grew sharper, whatever they’d given me to dull it wearing off faster than it should’ve been with all the adrenaline pumping in my blood.

“Where is she?”

Rook’s jaw clenched.