Eye twitching, I went to the bank of elevators. “Up or down?”

“Up,” Drake replied. “All the way up.”


The sharp strike of flesh on flesh contact followed by a hiss cut off the sound of her voice.

“Sparrow,” I roared into the receiver; my pulse picked up. There was no mistaking her voice, even hoarse and pitched high as it was. This monster had my Sparrow. It wasn’t just a possibility anymore. It was a stark reality.

My phone screen cracked in my ear from my grip on it. “If you touch her—”

“You’ll what? Up, Corvus. All the way to the top.”

I stabbed the button, my chest tight. “Let me talk to her.”


I stepped into the elevator, hitting the button for the top floor, a miasmal feeling tapping at my bones. Telling me to turn around.

“Don’t!” Came my Sparrow’s desperate plea in the background of the call, and I crouched to the floor, dizzy, every muscle screaming with useless adrenaline. I couldn’t breathe.

Could do nothing to help her.

“Quiet,” Drake hissed, and I heard her muffled shouts as he shoved something into her mouth.

The line buzzed faintly with dead air for a moment as the elevator carried me up and up, and I schooled my breathing, knowing I would never get the frantic sound of her voice out of my head.Never.No matter how hard I tried.

The gravity of it settled in my stomach like acid coated lead. The others didn’t say it, but I knew they were thinking it. It wasme.I was the reason she took off that night at the Docks.

Isent Drake after her.


“I’m going to kill you,” I promised him, my voice unrecognizable.

The elevator doors opened at the top floor, outside of a single door to the penthouse suite. Drake didn’t reply.

A muscle under my eye twitched as I rose back to my full height. “I don’t have a key.”

“Oh, you aren’t going in there. Take a left. Go to the stairs, Corvus. All the way up.”

Down the hall, an exit sign pointed to the door. Next to it a roof access sign hung on the wall.

I didn’t budge. “What is this? What do you want from me?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I gritted my teeth.

Drake laughed hollowly down the line. “I want you to die.”

I shook my head, pushing the button for the elevator again. I wasn’t playing this game. No fucking way. “You can suck my left nut, asshole.”

The frenzied strain in his voice was clear in his reply. “Go to the stairs… or I’ll kill her.”

Bile coated the back of my throat.

He was bluffing.