I licked my lips, eyeing Maverick’s men behind him. As per Diesel’s rules, none of them were allowed in Sanctum armed, but judging by their shifty looks and hand placements, they weren’t following the rules. And Diesel, dear daddy Diesel wasn’t as on top of it as he should’ve been.

“That motherfucker nearlykilledour friend,” I seethed, remembering the feel of Becca’s near dead body under mine as I fought to save her. She didn’t deserve that. “And he might have my fucking reason for living in his filthy hands.You know something. Tell me.”

The truth of it hit me like a Mack truck to the chest.Shewas my reason to keep going. For years I’d been just getting by. Keeping the ugliest parts of myself choked off, sated. I’d stopped giving a fuck whether I survived our next job. Our next run in with a rival gang.

Ghost was my reason to want to be more cautious. If only to keep from missing a single moment with her. My brothers filled the void. They were close to being enough,but she wasmore.

She was everything.

Maverick’s upper lip curled. “I don’t know a damned thing.”

I punched him in the face, sucking in a breath at the sting.

His men rushed forward but Grey, Corvus, Diesel, and Pinkie raised their weapons in warning.

I watched the light come back into Maverick’s eyes as they focused on me.

On me licking his blood off my rings and spitting it onto the floor.

“Try again.”

“Rook,” Diesel said, calm. The eye of the storm raging all around him.

Maverick’s chair scraped back as he stood, twisting out from under my shadow. “I’m warning you, St. Crow,” he said, unsteady as he swiped the back of his hand over the blood dripping from the fresh cut on his lower lip. “This is not how we handle business.”

Diesel nodded, and I snarled at him. “He’slying.”

“And if he is, then he knows what will happen.”

“This is bullshit.”

I lifted my blade to Mav’s throat and within half a second there was a barrel pressed to my temple by one of his men.

“I think you should go, Maverick,” Diesel said.

He swallowed against my blade. “And our alliance?”

“Give me Drake and I’ll reconsider severing ties.”

Mav’s lips parted in surprise. He hadn’t been expecting this. Hadn’t been expecting Diesel to support his sons over this absolute forgery of a fucking alliance.

“I told you, I don’t know what he’s up to.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about.”

“Dies?” I pressed, drawing a drop of blood from Mav’s neck.

My father turned his attention to the man with the gun pressed to my temple. “You have exactly one second to remove that gun from my son’s head or I’ll blow yours off.”


The barrel dropped, and I pushed off of Maverick, away from the Kings reduced to fucking jokers in a court of bloody nightmares.


“Think about this, St. Crow—”

Diesel fired a round into the ceiling, sending them scattering like roaches. “Leave.”