“Which is why we’ll look into it. You actually telling me you think that little shit is the guy?”

Grey didn’t have anything to say to that, falling silent.

“We just want to ask him a few questions,” I supplied.

“A few questions?” Diesel scoffed, knowing exactly what that meant. He shook his head. “I’ll speak to Maverick.”

He whistled low and lifted his hand, making a circular motion with his ring and index fingers. The others who’d been with him gathered back to his side, following him from the bar. The conversation finished for the moment.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Rook asked as I lifted my jacket from the back of a chair with my pinkie and slid it on, ignoring the pain of the movement.

“I can’t just sit here.”

“Where are you going?”he repeated.

“To check on Julia.” I didn’t have a specific place in mind, but the words rolled off my tongue anyway. It was as good a place as any. She wasn’t answering our requests for updates on our humanitarian projects the last couple weeks or so. And hadn’t Sparrow said something about that girl in Williams’ class trying to call the hotline but not getting through?

Yes. I would check on Julia.

It was as good a thing to do as any if I was meant to fucking wait another two hours to hunt my Sparrow.

By the time I got back, no force on this earth, not even Diesel St. Crow, was going to stop me from finding her. I prayed she’d be back before I was. I didn’t want to, but I would drag her back if that was what it took. Kicking and fucking screaming.

“Fuck. Wait,” Rook huffed, a snarl on his lips as he put weight on his fucked up leg. “I’ll come with you.”

His leg buckled when he moved forward, and he caught himself on a table, cursing.

“No you won’t. I don’t need your gimp ass slowing me down.”

“Fuck you.”

“Besides, you and Grey need to be here with the others. Just in case.”

“That’s what the sentries are for,” Grey argued, swinging his legs from the cot.

He wasn’t wrong. Diesel left a team of men guarding Sanctum. There were five around the building and two on the roof. No one would even get close.

“You need to lie down,” I reminded Grey. “And, Rook, you’re already bleeding through your fucking bandages.”

“You aren’t going out there alone, man,” Grey argued.

“I’ll go with him.”

At once, our heads turned on a swivel to where Becca was still standing quietly by a high-top table. She flushed, swallowing hard as she tried to appear confident, nearly succeeding.

I… didn’t know what to say.

Fuck noseemed a good option, but I knew Sparrow wouldn’t like that. “You should stay here,” I said instead. “Where you’ll be safe.”

“Fuck that. I can’t sit here anymore, either. Let me help. I’m a shitty shot, but I know how a gun works. I’ll cover you.”

I ran my tongue over my teeth, holding back another response I knew my Sparrow wouldn’t like. “Rebecca…”

“Look, either you let me help you or I’m just going to go and start looking for her.”

“No, you’re not,” Rook warned. “Not alone.”

“If anything happened to you, AJ’d have our balls,” Grey added.