But we knew now it wasn’t Aries. Never was. He was always a distraction. Something to keep us busy while the real threat worked alongside us. Right under our noses. This whole fucking time.

“Who’s with him?”

Rook lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, his expression filled with questioning annoyance, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Overeager for action. “I don’t know, man. I heard Pinkie in the background. The others are still on patrol for Ghost.”

The lines of exasperation in his forehead softened as he realized what I’d already figured out. Diesel was in a closed space with the enemy. Diesel and Pinkie and maybe one more Saint if he was lucky. Meanwhile Mav was there with Drake and the rest of their inner circle.

“We don’t know for sure if the Kings even know about Drake. The alliance could still be legit. There’s no reason to think…” Grey trailed off. The placation was more for himself than for us. He could be right, but I doubted it.

“We need to move.”

Grey pushedthe Rover to its limits as we sped across town to Sanctum, still better with one eye than any driver I knew with two.

“Slow down a bit,” I warned as we turned onto High Street, nearing Sanctum. We didn’t need to come peeling into the lot and set anyone on edge. We were going to walk in there, take Drake, and tell Mav that if he didn’t cooperate, it would be his head.

The Kings might’ve outnumbered us now, but not by much. Not by enough.

Was I thinking straight?

I shook my head, blinking away the exhaustion clinging to my eyelids, trying to drag them down like lead weights. Sleep wasn’t a luxury any of us could afford these days. If I didn’t get my Sparrow back, I doubted I’d ever sleep again.

But if I did get her back…

I’d do whatever she wanted.Bewhatever she wanted. I’d share her with my brothers. Let go of my control.

Falling for someone was never in the cards for me, but I didn’t just fall for Ava Jade. I’d crashed and burned, and I’d keep burning for as long as she wanted to hold me in her fire. Love was something meant for story books and fairy tales. A lie people whispered to each other in the dark to justify and rationalize their most carnal desires. To control. To protect. To dominate. To fuck. Toown.

I didn’t love Ava Jade. What I felt for her went far beyond such a simple emotion. It was a nameless thing that kept me going, breathing life into my battered bones and weary mind. She was the spark.

Grey ground his jaw as he forced the Rover to a crawl and Sanctum came into view.

Rook’s fingers dug into the front seats from where he sat in the middle behind us, ready to launch at a second’s notice.

“Remember,” I said, working to keep my voice at an even timbre so as not to set him off. “We can’t kill him. Not yet. We need him alive.”



“I saidfine.”

Grey cranked the wheel to pull in next to one of Dies’ cars out the front of Sanctum at the same time as a loudbang! rang through the evening air, forcing him to hit the brakes.

The front door of Sanctum crashed open and a storm of gray smoke chased Drake from the building.


Rook darted from the backseat, leaving the door open behind him.

I opened my door, the instinct tochasesearing through my blood, but Grey shoved the Rover into reverse, jostling me back into the cab.

“He’s going to get away,” Grey shouted, throwing the Rover back into drive.

Drake straddled a motorcycle parked down the street from Sanctum, but Rook was almost there, his wraith-like shadow on top of him.

Diesel poured out of Sanctum with Pinkie and Mav right behind him, coughing.

My relief at finding him alive fled as the roar of the motorcycle’s engine filled the night, droning out the sound of their coughing. Even the sound of our own engine, revving to give chase.