“I said wait,” I tried again, my growl echoing in the stairwell, making him whip around to face me, white knuckle grip on the railing, face a mosaic of unleashed fury. The mirror image of what I felt inside but was fighting past because we couldn’t waste this. We had the advantage here. The upper hand.

And we couldn’t let it all go to shit because we wanted this fucker’s head on a platter.

“What?” he barked. “What the fuck are wewaitingfor?”

Grey caught up, letting the door bang closed behind him, sealing us into the stairwell alone.

“Stop and think for a fucking second,” I implored him, noticing his rapid breathing. The way his whole body moved with the simple act of taking in air. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen him like this. So wound up he could explode at any second. It was shocking he’d stopped at all. That he was listening.

His black eyes searched the dead air in front of his face as he tried to figure out what I was getting at, clearly getting more and more frustrated by the second.

Grey padded down the few steps from the landing to us, stopping in front of Rook. “AJ still isn’t back. If my theory is right and I think it is then…”

“He might have her,” Rook finished for him, his eyes wild now, but focused.

“And if we rush in guns blazing…”

“So, what then?”

I licked my lips, my body alive with a savage flutter behind my rib cage. The crush of anxiety I hadn’t felt since I was a fucking teenager rearing its ugly head. Everything depended on us doing thisright.

“We don’t let on we know anything,” I started. “First, we need to find out where he is.”

Rook lifted his phone to his ear and I grabbed his jacket sleeve, jerking him toward me. “Who the fuck you calling?”


I released him. “Tell him not to let on a goddamned thing.”

He nodded, and Diesel picked up on the other end. “Dies, you alone?”

Rook shuffled down a few steps, turning around to speak to Diesel in hushed tones.

Grey ran a shaky hand through his hair. “What are you thinking? Tail him?”

“If Drake is who we think he is, it won’t be easy. He’s a smart motherfucker but that means we’ll just have to be smarter. He probably has all his bases covered. He’ll notice a tail straight off. We’ll have to be more creative.”

“So, we’re just supposed to pretend we don’t know? Be in the same room as this fucker? Breathe the same air?”

“Unless there’s some way we can get our hands on him without setting a war in motion with the Kings.”

“Fuck the Kings,” Rook injected, coming back up to where we stood near the window, looking out over the rapidly darkening parking lot. “How do we know they aren’t in on this shit? He’s one of theirs.”

“And if going to war is what it takes to get her back, then so fucking be it,” Grey added.

The uncomfortable flutter behind my rib cage died, swallowed by the familiar heat of the animal within coming back to life. They were right. It didn’t matter what it took.

“Where is he?”

Rook’s lips twisted into a wicked grin. “At Sanctum. Diesel’s going to try to keep him there.”

Fuck.I gritted my teeth, shaking my head. “If Drake gets the feeling something’s off, he’ll bolt.”

“Diesel won’t let him.”

A new worry took root. “Why’s Drake there?”

“It was another meet with Mav and his main crew. About what happened with Becca. He’s putting the pressure on Mav to bring Aries in.”