Anyone else would’ve taken one look at him and run, seeing him for the predator he is. Much like Diesel, Damien commanded an air of respect and violence. But for me, he offered a small smile. And even though his attention clearly tracked to the bandage over my eye, he didn’t stare.

“How you been, kid? I have to say, you’ve looked better.”

He stepped out of the elevator and drew me into a quick embrace, slapping a palm on my back. “Hope you got the fucker that did that to your face.”

“We did. What are you doing here?”

“Happy to see you, too.”

Damien peered down the corridor, toward the room I’d only just left and it was all the answer I needed, but he gave me his own version anyway.

“The hospital informed me when she was brought in.”

I frowned. “Rebecca?”

“She’s Eden Matthews’ daughter.”

The woman he loved more than anything in this world before this world took her from him.

Damien nodded, something souring in his expression as he settled a cold stare on me, maybe reading the guilt I was sure was on full display there. “Did you have something to do with this, son?”

“Not exactly.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“There’s someplace I have to be,” I said, knowing I’d be here all fucking night if Damien wanted the full explanation of why Rebecca Hart wound up in the ER at four in the morning and was now fighting for her life in a coma. “Are you staying in town?”

He didn’t seem at all placated by my response, but nodded. “For the night at least.”

“Good. Go talk to Dies. He’ll fill you in.”

“This have to do with the Aces?”

I remembered Diesel had Uncle Damien on standby in case we needed him when things were getting bad, but mostly, our gangs ran independent of one another. And Uncle Damien had his own territory to look after. A much larger area than we had.

“They’ve been taken care of,” I said, jabbing the elevator button again. The doors opened, and I stepped past my uncle and into the box. “Talk to Dies. We’ll come by and help explain if there’s time.”

Damien’s eyes flashed a warning in the fluorescent lighting overhead.

“Oh and you might not want to visit just yet,” I said as the doors began to shut. “Her father’s in there with her.”

His jaw ticked, and the doors sealed, carrying me down to what I hoped was the key we’d been looking for. The one that might open the door to take us back to our girl.

* * *

Rook shiftedfoot to foot at the front entryway, seemingly uncaring that one boot was tapping away at a dried pile of blood. ApparentlyKithad come to ‘check on’ AJ, and he must’ve said or done something to make Corvus snap.

Not an easy feat, but with the way he’d been at the edge of his rope lately I wasn’t as surprised as I should’ve been. We knew only from stories how he’d been when Diesel first took him in, it seemed now we’d get to see the monster for ourselves.

Speaking of the devil, the engine of Corvus’ Ducati snarled as he revved around the corner and pulled into the lot.

“What’s this shit about?” Corvus growled, stepping off his bike helmetless, with heat still lingering in his gaze.

He turned his attention to Rook. “Have you been here this whole time?”

Rook lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the morning sun as he squinted at Corvus. “Would you have rather I took the Rover, Bro?”

Corvus bristled at the reply, but I ignored them both, stalking past Rook to the front doors of the academy. “Let’s go. You two can bicker later.”