I put my hands together in a slow clap, drawing his attention. “Damn, Bro. Didn’t know you had it in you.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked, and he stepped out of the way as Dom rushed in, falling to her knees at Kit’s side, trying feverishly to wake him.

Kit groaned and I frowned, a little disappointed to find he wasn’t dead after all.

“Want me to…” I indicated Kit.

“Do what you want,” he said in a distant growl, turning on his heel to leave without so much as another word. I watched his back retreat, not to the Rover in the parking lot, but around to the back of Briar Hall, no doubt to the trailhead that would take him back to the nest.

“Come on,” Dominique was saying, still crying, and it was hard to believe Ava Jade took self-defense lessons with this girl. This girl whose clothes oozed money and whose demeanor couldn’t be any more divergent from hers. Not to mention the divide in their skill level and ability.

Some people had a natural talent, a predilection for violence. Neither of these sad motherfuckers did.

“Get up!” she was shouting. “Come on.”

I considered the knife in my boot for a minute before deciding they weren’t worth my trouble. Or the time. Time that we didn’t have.

The door creaked open as I stepped into the academy, the sound of fleeing footsteps all around as I strode toward the elevator, cursing the limp I couldn’t seem to contain.

By the time I got to the second floor, all the students who’d been lingering in the atrium, watching in the stairwells, from their windows, had fallen silent. Aware of the monster stalking the halls.

The drag of dissipating adrenaline from watching my brother finally come undone was almost too fucking much for my exhausted system to take.

But I knew how to fix it.

How to stay awake.

To keep looking.

My Ghost wasn’t safe. I knew that for certain now. We thought Becca was and look what fucking happened to her.

She’d be back by now.

If she were able.

Cold dread and white hot rage simmered and spiked in my blood, sputtering before either could be the fuel I needed to keep going.

I lost count of how many hours it’d been since I slept. But if this was how Corvus felt most days, I didn’t know how he handled it without a little something to pick his dead ass up off the floor.

The bathroom door banged loudly against the opposite wall as I shoved my way inside, flicking on the light switch.

My phone pinged, and I plucked it out only to shove it back in my pocket, fingering past the cool metal to the bit of plastic tucked away beside it.

Grey could wait for an update. Just a few minutes.

I set the small bag filled with white powder on the stainless steel counter, my mouth going dry.

How could I know it hadn’t been tainted?


This fucker wanted us to destroy ourselves.

No carrion for the Crows.

He took away our outlet.

Outing Corvus took away his mask. Put him under more scrutiny.