“You call,” he argued. “You’re already bleeding through your fucking bandages again. Stay here.”

The laugh I was planning to have at his attempt to subdue me died before it could reach my lips.

“What time is it?”

His brows drew down. “Why?”

“Who do you think that is?”

I pointed the red cherry at the tip of my cigarette to the headlights flashing like strobe lights through the trees as the sun finally broke over the horizon.

I glanced back up at Briar Hall behind me, finding more than a few curious faces in the windows, watching from the semi-security of their bedrooms.

The last fucking thing I wanted to deal with right now was the principal. Though the mouse of a man would probably take one look at our blood-coated hands and turn his fat ass right around and go back home where he was safe.

“That’s not the principal’s car,” Corv said, echoing my thoughts as the older model Volvo rounded the bend onto the front drive of the academy, pulling up in front of the entrance.

“Not the cops, either.”

Corv made it clear to the operator that we only required an ambulance and not to send anyone else. Name dropping Diesel made arguing a moot point.

We watched as a man stepped out of the driver’s side, unfurling to his full height, closing the door behind him.

I reached around my back and slid my tacky fingers around the smooth grip of my Browning Hi Power, flicking my cigarette away after one final drag.

The other door opened and a girl stepped out. Her height and the shape of her frame made all the weight fall from my shoulders, before the shadow over her head fell away. It wasn’t my Ghost.

This girl had short dark hair and a small oval shaped face.

The two of them argued in hushed tones in front of the Academy before the girl finally shut her door too and they ascended the stairs to the front door.

“Who are they?”

Corvus shook his head. He wasn’t sure either. “We’re about to find out.”

I followed him across the lot, listening intently to the electronic voice coming through the speaker at the entrance.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t allow visitors outside of regular school hours, you’ll have to come back another time.”

“Well, when’s that?” the girl asked in a whiny voice.

“Eight forty-five,” the new security guard replied.

“Look, we just want to check on a friend. Her name is Ava Jade Mason.”

The girl leaned down to shout into the mic while the other guy hovered behind her, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans.

“She hasn’t been answering any of our calls or texts and we’re really worried that something might’ve happened to—”

“Who the fuck are you?” Corvus asked, and the girl gasped, pivoting to face us with surprise in her eyes.

“And how do you know Ava Jade?” I added, analyzing the pair of them.

The new security guard’s voice came back over the speaker with a sigh. “Look, I’ve told you already…”

I stalked through the newcomers, forcing them to separate, and jammed the intercom button. “Stop talking,” I spoke into the mic. “Go back to your Diet Pepsi and Takis like a good mall cop. Oh, and be a peach and turn the fucking cameras off, yeah?”

“Right away, Mr. Clayton.”