“She’s gone, Rook.”

“No she’s not.”

He slapped her again, pressing so hard against the bullet wound in her chest that I’d be shocked if he wasn’t cracking ribs.

“Why are you just standing there?” Rook growled at me. “Help me.”

I couldn’t look at her anymore, my rage-stained thoughts making ration an elusive thing I couldn’t quite grasp.

Come on, Corv. Make sense of this.

Rebecca should’ve been safe. Her boyfriend was dead with all the other Aces.

Who else would want her gone?



He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. He wouldn’t hurt someone Ava Jade cared about. Not anymore. Not now that she was one of us.

Then who?


My phone rang again, jostling my line of thought.

It cracked against the opposite wall of Rebecca’s room, shattering onto the ground after I threw it. I didn’t remember deciding to throw it.


Whoever did this had to have wanted her dead badly. No.Neededher dead.




“What?” I bellowed, my nostril flaring as I lost my train of thought again, ripples of vicious rage rolling up my arms.

“Call an ambulance, man. The fuck you doing?”

I blinked, my red-stained gaze refocusing on Rook. On Becca. He tipped her chin back and blew into her lungs. Rebecca’s fingers twitched.

Jesus fucking Christ.

She’s still alive.


I raced to the busted up remnants of my phone, kicking them aside with a curse.

“Back pocket,” Rook shouted between rounds of blowing air into the half dead girl at his knees.

I found his phone, but my fingers paused on the dialpad.
