“The fuckyou think you’re doing?” I asked Rook as he pushed the passenger side door of the Rover open.

He hobbled out into the parking lot at Briar Hall, stretching out his lower back with a groan.

“I can’t sit anymore, man.”

“Too fucking bad, park your ass on the hood until I get back.”

“Nah. I’m with you.”

I shook my head, pushing down the swell of heat in my chest. It’s been there ever since we found Julia’s body, just below the surface, aching for release. Everything I’d worked almost my whole damn life to swallow—to control—was teetering on the edge of release. And no one wanted to see that shit.

A long breath and I sent my gaze skyward to the slowly brightening sky. The navy blanket of night already turning the purple of a fresh bruise. In an hour it would shift to shades of rust and roses.

Another night without Ava Jade.

She wasn’t in any place I thought to look for her, and I’d considered every fucking possibility.

Diesel continued the patrol, rotating out the most tired Saints for fresher stock, but they’d searched every nook and cranny of Thorn Valley and had even sent a contingent of Kings to Lennox to check there, too. It was where she’d grown up. Maybe she’d wanted to go home.

They didn’t turn anything up, but as soon as we were done here, that was where Rook and I were headed. I wanted to walk the train tracks. Check the trailer she grew up in. Her school. Find her old friend Dom. And that instructor she had a thing with. Kit?

If she went to him…

I’d fucking kill him.

“In and out,” I told Rook, jerking my chin to the back entrance of Briar Hall.

He slammed the door to the Rover.

“Hey. Use the crutches.”

Rook’s back tensed, but a second later he reached into the open window and dragged the crutches out, a dark shadow over his eyes as he struggled to get them into place.

I worked to keep my pace slow so Rook could keep up, even though it felt like wading through fucking water. I just wanted to get this over with.

Grey said Becca and Axel missed the last text check-in and neither was answering their phone. It meant one of two things. Either they both fell asleep, which I was banking on, or they were fucking. I wouldn’t put either past Axel. And I had it on good authority Becca had a thing for dangerous men. And apparently, also for older guys if what people said about her and the substitute English teacher last year was true.

We took the elevator up to the third floor.

A text came in from Grey along the way, and I growled as I took it out. He was probably texting to say they finally checked-in and this whole goddamned side trip was a total waste of our fucking time.

Why he was even so insistent on sending Axel with her was beyond me. There was no danger, not for Becca, not anymore.

Grey: You there yet? Still haven’t heard anything.

Corvus: Just got here? Find anything on the cams?

Grey: Nothing.


“What?” Rook asked as the elevator doors slid open on the third floor.

I pocketed my phone. “Grey. He still hasn’t found anything.”

What good was having access to all the local security cameras and the ability to hack traffic cams if it gave us absolutely nothing?

Sparrow, where are you?