I could get a job.

I almost laughed at the image of me in some fast food uniform, apron stained with grease. Ava Jade wielding a stainless steel spatula like a weapon of mass destruction. Slaying burgers all day.

We could do it.

If she wanted.

I flicked a fresh brush over Jericho’s lash line, pretending I was painting literally anyone else as I filled in his short lashes.

A door opened outside my room, and my heart lifted, paint brush stilling in my hand as I listened keenly.

I’d already run out there four times thinking I might’ve heard Ava Jade come in only to be disappointed. I wasn’t going out there again. Not to have Axel fuss over me and ask me tenmoretimes if I wanted to talk.

The low rumble of two male voices came muffled through my door and I sagged, discarding the paint brush on my duvet to push my hair away from my face with a huff.

I stared down at the painting, deciding it was as good as it was going to get. I snatched it up, accidentally tossing the covers over the still wet paints. Shit.

A loud thud outside made me jump, my pulse skittering.

I rushed to the door, but my hand paused on the handle, listening to what was unmistakably the sounds of a struggle on the other side. An icy cold stole over my chest, and I held my breath.

Another crash.

Axel cursing.

I couldn’t move.

Couldn’t think.

Shit. Fuck.


No. No.No.

“Becca, get out of here!” came Axel’s roaring command from the other side of the door, and I broke free of the ice coating my skin. My hand shook where it held the painting.

I dashed for my bed and the phone I’d left there, but the unmistakable sound of a silenced gunshot whispered in my ears and I stopped.

The painting.

What if…

Oh god.

I looked around, the panic a raging storm in my chest. A drumbeat echo in my skull.

I raced back across the room, my stare fixed on the massive self-portrait hanging on my wall. My shaking fingers lifted the base of the canvas and I shoved the sheet of paper with Jericho’s face on it into the hollow behind the painting, running back to my bed.


I threw the duvet cover back, rustling in the heavy fabric to find it, a scream rising in my chest.

Where the fuck was my…

The door to my room opened, and I froze, my legs heavier than lead as I looked up. Fingers of dread crawled up the back of my neck as I recognized the man beneath the mask. Behind the contact lenses. Under the dye coating each strand of his hair. I’d know that smirk anywhere.

“Miss me, darlin?’ ”