Subject: RE: Miss me?

Why don’tyou come out of the shadows and play? Or are you too much of a coward? It’s me you want. Come and get me, motherfucker.

“When did she send that?”Rook asked, trying to scroll back up on the phone over my shoulder.

We both looked at the time stamp. It was sent days ago, and she’d received no reply.

“She was fucking taunting him,” Grey said.

“Who?” Diesel asked, a knot forming between his brows.

“Let me see,” Becca demanded, rushing over to stand on tiptoe to see the screen.

“Are we really surprised?” Rook asked gruffly as Becca let out a little gasp after reading the message.

“No,” Becca replied to the rhetorical question. “But… you don’t think she would go after him, do you?”

Heat surged through my chest, making my breaths come heavier.

I knew shewould. But did she? After everything that happened, was that where her head would be right now?

“I don’t think she can,” Grey answered Becca. “I’ve exhausted every resource we have looking for this fucker. As smart as Ava Jade is, she couldn’t find him alone.”

“That’s the fucking problem,” I growled, struggling to regulate my breathing at the idea of this piece of shit’s hands touching what was ours. “She’salone. And that’s exactly what he wants.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?Whoare you talking about?” Diesel asked, reminding me he was still standing there, the other Saints who’d been with him scattered around the bar, checking on their injured brothers.

I met my father’s cold eyes, lifting my chin. “We meant to tell you,” I said, unable to sound even the tiniest bit apologetic. I had bigger fucking problems. “We were going to last night before—”

“Before you lost your shit on Ghost over a fucking jacket,” Rook supplied, reaching over the empty bar to scoop a bottle of Jack from the other side and take a swig straight from its mouth.

Diesel pinched the bridge of his nose. “Mind explainingnow?”

“AJ has a stalker,” Grey started, and when Diesel shifted his hard stare to my brother, he lost his nerve, sagging at the raw emotion in Grey’s eye. The fear. The pain.

He wore his worry plain on his face, not bothering to try to conceal it.

Diesel dragged a stool from the bar and set it down near Grey’s cot, falling onto it, leaning his elbows over his knees. “Go on.”

Grey told Diesel almost everything, not glazing over the gritty details. There wasn’t any point. Once he caught wind of it, Diesel would find out all of those details for himself one way or another. And he needed to know. This person, whoever it was, had threatened not only Ava Jade, but us too.

If it were reversed, I’d want to know.

“You should’ve come to me sooner,” Diesel said when Grey was finished, his icy blue eyes pacing the floor.

“You weren’t—”

“You should’ve fucking told me,” he cut me off, his tone sharp as he pushed to his feet. “Where is she now?”

My brows furrowed.

“Ava Jade,” he clarified. “Where is she?”

“We don’t know,” Rook said, leaving the bottle on the bar. “This idiot told her all that shit down at the Docks was her fault.”

I flinched, but I would own that.

“She took off,” Grey added.