“You know who I was with today?” he asked, changing the subject, seeming to be completely unfazed by the fact I’d just pissed myself and the stink of it was quickly filling the room despite the small drain in the middle of the floor slowly sucking it all away.


My heart shuddered to a stop, fire stirring from the dormant coals in my belly.

“We spent hours together. Searching for Aries.”

I watched his face, looking for any sign of something more he might not have been saying, but the smug look was still in place as he returned the favor, searching my stare for information of his own.

“We didn’t find him, of course. And we won’t. I paid him to disappear. All part of the plan.”

Something in my eyes must’ve flagged my worry because he crooked his head to the left. “Don’t worry, Angel. Grey’s fine. Ididspend the evening dreaming up some very creative ways of killing him, but there were others with us and it’s not time yet. Besides, he’s the one I hate the least. And now,pfffft,I mean, he’s not exactly a threat with just one eye. It’s pathetic really. He could barely walk a straight line.”

Grief and anger warred in my chest, flushing my cheeks with fresh blood, making my fingers curl in like talons.

At least he’s alive, I reminded myself.

You can’t believe a word he says,the darkness reminded me.


“But Iwillkill him,” Drake continued, ignoring me, his gaze unfocusing as he imagined it. I took the opportunity to wiggle my fingers and toes, see how far up my limbs the feeling went. “When the time is right. Once things have calmed down and the Kings have Diesel’s trust, that’s when we’ll make our move. Take the territory thatIshould’ve inherited.”

His gaze refocused on me, and I let my body sink heavily into the floor. “That’s when the real work will begin for you, Angel. To remake you. But you’ll have to wait your turn. I can only orchestrate so many masterpieces at a time.”

I snorted. “Fuck, you’re pathetic.”

His brows drew together, and in his eyes, I saw a lick of something I hadn’t noticed there before. Or maybe just hadn’t been paying close enough attention to. There was a darkness there. A sickness. Like mine but also not. His sent a tremor of revulsion rolling down my spine.

“Don’t resist this, Angel,” he said, the hard edge to his stare never waning. “You will be mine or you will be no one’s.”

“Yep,” I said, coughing against the cement. “Pathetic.”

His lips pressed into a thin line.

“I can’t… belong to a corpse,” I said with a smile, forcing the words out sluggishly, making them sound weak. “And that’s all you’ll… be… soon. My guys will… come for me.”

That struck a nerve. The sickness flashed in his gaze and goose flesh rose on his arms.

“Notyours,” he corrected me, his gaze lifting to someplace above me as he considered something. The air in the room felt heavier as I readied myself to strike.

“Yesmine.And me… theirs. I’ll never belong… to you.”

“Hmmm,” he said, rubbing his forefinger over his chin. “You have a point. They don’t appear to want to give up looking for you, and I hadn’t expected that. I thought once you were gone…”

I didn’t hear the rest of what he said, the rush of blood in my ears as my body sang back to life blocked out all other sound.

They’re looking for me.

They didn’t abandon me. They didn’t wish me dead.They were looking for me.

My eyes burned as precious H2O leaked down my face and my rib cage squeezed me tight. The tiny cell expanded around me, filled with possibility. My fists clenched and a reawakened resolve to get the fuck out of this hole filled me.

A shaky breath passed my quivering lips before I clenched my teeth.

“Oh well, it doesn’t matter. They’ll give up eventually.”

They wouldn’t.