He may have been injured, but he was also probably the one who would take watching over her seriously. And the only one who Diesel and Corvus would consider sparing.

“Let me go, Dies. I’m not going to be useful anywhere else.”

“You could’ve taken the fucking IV bag with you, genius,” Diesel said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I nodded to Axel and he nodded back. “I’ll keep an eye on her,” he promised.

“Thanks, Axe.”

I turned to Becca, listening to the front door bang closed behind Corvus, who’d clearly grown tired of waiting. “And you,uh… you’ll work on that thing for me. Tonight?”

Her brown eyes met mine. “I will.”

Something shifted beside me,and I let out a weak noise, my eyelids trying and failing to flutter open.

“I was wondering what you’d choose.”

His voice sent my mind rocketing to an alertness my drug-addled body couldn’t keep up with. I tried harder to force my eyes open, seeing a blurry form next to me, sitting against the wall with an elbow resting on one knee. Looking for all the world like nothing was wrong.

My chest squeezed.

I squinted, the fuzzy outline of my dark prince coming in and out of focus. I could smell him. I reached a hand in his direction, but couldn’t move it more than a few inches as the drugs wore off achingly slow.

“I half expected you to starve yourself, but I figured if you’d pick something, it would be the oranges. Probably seemed the safest. Which is why they had the most Haldol in them.”

Of course he would know that. But why was he so far away? Why weren’t we leaving?

“Rook,” I tried to call to him, but my voice was nothing more than a muted rasp.

“Shh,” he said, his hands wrapping around my arms to drag me closer, to lay my head in his lap. “I’ve got you now, Angel.”


He stroked my ratty hair, not with his fingers, but with a brush, taming the knots back to some semblance of smoothness.

His hand lay on my shoulder. My naked shoulder.

“Rook,” I tried again, my body beginning to shake all on its own. Convulsing from trying and failing to fight the drugs in my system. Was this what he felt like in that place? The sanatorium where they kept him in line with so many different drugs he was only a shell of himself. Until Grey got him out. Or was it Diesel who’d done that?

“Rook,” I tried a third time and this time his name came out a bit more clearly and the brush stroking through my hair paused.

“What did you say?”

The sharp edge to his voice threw me, and I realized the smell in my nose wasn’t Rook at all. It was citrusy, concealed with some sort of musk cologne.

I’d smelled something like it before.


This time, his name was a question I was afraid to know the answer to.


My stomach turned.

“Fucking… kill… you… motherfuck—”

“Save your energy, Angel.”