I shook my headnoto drive my point home, and Becca shut her mouth.

There was a damn good chance this would lead absolutely nowhere. That I was more than just wrong, wasting brain power on something so completely useless when I needed to be focusing on more important things. I didn’t need to distract the others too if this was a dead end. Right now we needed to find Ava Jade. Once she was back here safe, we’d have a meet about it.

“We need to get moving,” Corvus announced before they reached us. “We’ll have one of the patrol’s take Becca back to Briar Hall.”

Another Saint ran into the bar, bringing a wrapped cloth to Corvus. “Only found three,” the guy said, and I couldn’t be bothered to recall his name right now, my head still spinning with possibility.

“There should be four,” Corvus growled, unwrapping AJ’s blades, still stained with blood.

The crow handled one, and two from her father rested in Corv’s hand.

“That’s all we found,” the Saint shrugged, leaving the way he came in.

“She’s going to be pissed,” Becca said, leaning over the bar to put her used glass in the bar sink.

“We’ll replace it.”

Corvus’ pocket vibrated, and he cursed, stuffing his oversized hand into it to wrench his phone free.

He clicked the side button and slipped it back in without answering.

“Who’s that?” I asked, not able to interpret the look on his face.


“You’ve been ignoring her calls for ages.”

“Think there’s more important shit to worry about right now, don’t you?”

“Max,” Diesel said. “That’s your manager, right?”

Corvus didn’t answer.

“Don’t waste your talent, Son. Call her back.”

I didn’t have time to consider the fact that our father just basically gave his blessing before Corvus was snapping at him. “Not. The. Time.”

Diesel lifted his hands in a placating gesture.

Becca hopped down off the stool, a little unsteady.

“I’m sending a guard with Becca,” I announced, sliding off my stool as well. Corvus was already on his way back to the front of the bar but paused to peer over his shoulder at me with a questioning stare.

“We can’t spare anyone,” Corvus answered before Diesel could. “She doesn’t need a guard. Her shit stain of a boyfriend is dead.”

“I’ll go with her.”

As one, we turned to find Axel getting up from a cot, gritting his teeth as he did.

He managed to escape with moderate injuries even though he was there with us from the start, when our odds were a million to fucking one.

His shoulder was all kinds of fucked up, and the gunshot wound had nicked an artery, making him loose a fuck ton of blood, but he’d be okaywith rest.

“You need fluids.”

No sooner had Diesel said it than Axel removed the IV needle from the back of his hand and tossed it aside.

I shared a look with Axel, realizing he’d heard at least some of what Becca and I had been talking about from where his cot near the bar.