I just don’t see how feeding you information onmy friendis going to help you do all that.



“Your Ace boyfriend—”

“He’snotmy boyfriend.”

“You said you had no pictures of him.”

A knot formed between her brows. “I already told you that, he wouldn’t let me take any. I gave Diesel his description and everything else I knew.”

I waved off her concern, ignoring the defensive tone.

“Did he ask about Ava Jade a lot?”

Her jaw clenched. “He asked about all of you.”

“Yes, but did he ask aboutherspecifically?”


I released her wrist, not even realizing I’d grabbed it or how my knuckles were white against her perfectly tanned skin. “Sorry,” I muttered. “Becca, I need you to answer the question.”

Becca rubbed her wrist, thinking. “I mean, yeah, but that was because she was a direct line to you three.”

“Was it?” I asked, the question more for myself than her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her with a look. “You’re absolutely sure you didn’t see him among the fallen at the Docks?”

She nodded slowly, going pale. “You don’t actually think that Jericho and Ava Jade’s stalker are…”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “But it fucking tracks, doesn’t it?”

I bit my lip, trying to connect the dots even though the pain in my fractured skull was reaching a breaking point. It was usually the others who figured out shit like this. The chances thatIrealized something this monumental before either of them were slim to none.

It could’ve been nothing.

It could be everything.

To find this guy and crush him once and for all.

“You don’t have any pictures,” I repeated.

“I already told you—”

“I wasn’t finished. You don’t have any pictures, but you’re an artist. Can you draw him? Paint him?”

Her expression soured, but I could tell she would do it. No matter how much it would repulse her. “I can.”

My fingernails dug into my palm. Why hadn’t we thought to ask her to do that before?

Oh yeah, because before he was only a threat toher. Now, maybe, he was a threat to our girl, too. To us.

The door at the front of Sanctum opened, and I fixed Becca with a hard stare. “Keep this between us,” I said before Corvus, Diesel, and Pinkie could reach us at the bar.
