“You didn’t come up here to talk to me about potential colleges. What’s up? Corvus didn’t speak to me at all on the way back here, but I could tell something was up.”

I reached over the bar to grab a glass and fill it with OJ from the hose, needing some sugar in my system before I crashed.

“We’re going to look for AJ.”

She sagged in relief. “Thank fuck. When do we go?”

I fixed her with a look.

“When you saywe?”

I licked my dry lips. “I mean the Saints.”

“I can help. YouknowI can.”

I nodded, mostly to myself, because she probably could. She’d just seen a mangled body and was still here. Waiting to be helpful. Becca was more than I ever gave her credit for, and I was starting to see what AJ probably saw in her friend. Someone much stronger than met the eye.

“This is Saint business,” I started, trying to hold a gentle tone. The one I used when I needed to do the sweet talking Corvus and Rook weren’t always capable of. “And since your Ace is dead now, you no longer need our protection.”

She stiffened at that. “How do you know?”

“They’re all dead, Becca. We triple checked. And we don’t think any got away.”

She shook her head, swallowing before she spoke again, pushing the curtain of long straight hair back behind her ear. “I looked at every face, Grey.”


“When one of the Saints led me out of the Docks. Imade myselflook at every face. Every bloody, awful dead face. I didn’t see him. What if he’s still out there?”

She pressed her hands between her knees, shoulders drawing in until she looked very small.

“It’s not possible.”

“Isn’t it?” she all but snapped. “He wasn’t there.”

I had to admit, it was odd, and kudos to her for being able to look at so much death and still be sitting here mostly stable. But her guy had to be dead. We left none alive, and Mav said himself they’d checked for any who might’ve escaped.

“All right,” I said decisively. “Then I’ll send you back to Briar Hall with a guard.”

“I want to help.”

“You will be helping. If you’re at Briar Hall, we won’t have to do rounds checking the academy. That way if AJ shows up you can call us.”

She looked like she wanted to argue some more but also knew I wasn’t wrong. And she wasn’t going to get what she wanted this time no matter how hard she pushed.

“I guess.”

Something scratched at the back of my mind, and I struggled to grasp it, remembering what Becca did to get herself tangled up in all of this to begin with.

Her boyfriend.

Her Ace boyfriend who she swears wasn’t among the dead at the Docks.

One of them is staying withhertonight at Briar Hall, Becca said in Diesel’s recordings.

I could textherto find out.

My mind raced, trying to recall the exact words.