I screamed, the adrenaline in my veins giving me the feral strength I needed to pull out of his grasp. “No!”

I fell onto my front in the dirt, my chin and breasts scraping against the rough ground.

“No, no, no,” I muttered, scrambling to get to my feet.

“Yes,Sparrow,” Corvus hissed, his nickname for me a poisonous threat on his lips as he shoved me back down until I tasted dirt.

“Your fault,” Grey added, and a booted foot collided with my rib cage, stealing all the breath from my lungs.

“Your fault!” Another kick and I coughed, seeing stars.

“Your fault.”

A great stabbing pain in my back made me scream, and the rush of blood leaking from the wound made me lightheaded.

I tried to stand, but something solid as a rock collided with my jaw, sending me back down, making my vision go dark. Making sound come to me slower. Muffled.

A gun cocked.

Through double vision, I watched him lift the gun. Watched The Bone Man’s jaw clench until he looked like the skeleton I first fell in love with. Before I knew who he was.

“I won’t let you hurt us anymore,” he promised me, and I closed my eyes when he pressed the barrel of the gun to my forehead.

“It’s okay,” I told him. “Do it. I’m ready.”

My darkness swirled, but I pushed her down.


It’s us or them.

“Goodbye, Sparrow.”

“I’m sorry.”

A loudbang!rang in my ears, and I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

Not a dark forest.

Bright. So fucking bright.


I groaned, rolling over to vomit onto the cold cement floor, my head spinning as my lungs struggled to fill enough to eradicate the fog shrouding my thoughts.

My eyes adjusted to the light, and I stared at my naked tits, my lips parting as I struggled to make sense of them. Make sense of anything.

My skin tingled everywhere it touched the floor, and everywhere it didn’t. My throat burned with bile, but I managed to keep the next bout of nausea from turning up anything more I didn’t have to give to the floor.

The hollowness in my stomach felt like an expanding universe. A black hole that would consume me if I didn’t try to fill it.

Not heaven.


I was in hell.

I scraped myself to a seated position against the wall, swiping the back of my hand over my lips only for my arm to fall back heavily to my lap. The drugs in my system not allowing me more than the tiniest of movements without a massive amount of effort.