“We found Julia,” he said, a hollow laugh on his lips. “Dead. Dead for fucking weeks.”

“She answered the phones, right? She had to know there would be risks with that job.”

The dark parts of me flickered within, aching for retribution for the taking of a life that wasoursto protect.

“How?” I demanded.

“She died badly.”

Then so would the person who did it.

But that didn’t explain why Corv was so riled up. He didn’t give a fuck about anyone outside this room save for Ava Jade. Not really. Not in any way that would get him this fired up.

“That’s not the worst part, is it?” Grey asked, catching on only a second after I did.

Corv stopped pacing, his head bent as he shook it, still trying to regain control. “It was him,” he said, his voice so low I wondered if I heard him right.

“What?” Diesel pressed. “Who?”

“He left his fucking signature,” Corv replied. “No more carrion for the Crows,” he added with another dark laugh. SignedCrow Killer.”

Fire. Liquid fire raced through my veins, and I ached to spread it. Spread it so vastly that everything would burn. Every tree. Every car. Every motherfucking building. Leaving him no place to hide from me.

“Wait, this was the stalker?” Diesel asked, his gaze jerking back and forth, not really seeing anything as he thought it through.

I stood, unable to sit anymore as the animal inside awoke, on the prowl.

“Rook, sit the fuck down,” Diesel said, reaching for me, but I smacked his hand away.

“Don’t,” I warned at the same time Corvus growled, “Leave him.”

“AJ,” Grey’s soft whisper somehow managed to cut through all the shouting and my eldest brother and I froze in place.

I met Grey’s eye, and it was like all the breath was snatched from my lungs.

My Ghost.

What if…

“We need to find her,” Grey said in a rush. “We need to find hernow.”

“Hold up, now,” Diesel started. “This doesn’t mean anything. You said yourself this happened weeks ago.”

“I don’t give a fuck what I said,” Corvus replied. “Grey is right. We can’t wait any more.Fuck!We shouldn’t have waited at all.”

Diesel thought through the problem, his one worry showing through the careful mask he always wore. “All right. We bring this to the table. Get the guys on it. All of them. Yeah?”

I didn’t like the idea of bringing the Kings into this, but it made sense to get as much help as we could. The more people looking, the faster we would be likely to find her.

Even if the dark beast within whispered that we didn’t need any help. That we would be the one to find her. To eviscerate this filth so slowly that he would be pushed to madness before he would finally die.

“Yeah,” Grey agreed.

“Yeah,” Corvus put in.

Diesel waited for my word. I gave him a nod.

“I’ll go with Drake,” Grey offered. “He was going to put together a small team to try to find Aries. That’s who AJ thought it was. It’s as good a place as any to start looking.”