“It looks badass,” Rook filled in, giving Becca a glare that could’ve damn near reduced her to ash.

“Yeah,” Becca agreed, swallowing. “I just—it just looks like it hurts, that’s all.”

“It does,” Grey confirmed, clearing his throat. “Feels like I got kicked in the head by a horse.”

My guts twisted.

“And then a zombie with dull fingernails dug out my eye.”

Rook’s upper lips twitched. “Thanks for that visual, man,” Rook deadpanned, going dead-eyed to cover up how bothered he was by his brother’s pain. He patted Grey on the thigh. “I’ll go get you some more morphine, you big baby.”

Becca wrapped her arms around herself, tiptoeing toward where I stood back at the front window. She looked out into the morning, at the streets slowly waking for another gorgeous day in Thorn Valley. None of them aware that only miles away, just out of earshot, a battle left at least forty men dead by the shores of Spirit Lake.

“She still hasn’t come back,” Becca said.

It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t answer.

She shivered, her fingers tightening on her shoulders.

It was hot as fucking balls in here, so I knew it wasn’t from the cold.

“Have you tried calling?” she asked.

I lifted a brow at her, and she deflated. “Sorry, stupid question. Of course you have.”

“I take it you’ve tried too?”

She nodded and my stomach twisted.

Ava Jade would ignore us if she was upset, me especially, but Becca? If she wasn’t answering calls or texts from her best friend either, that meant she was more hurt than I realized.

That or she’d lost her damn phone.

Or something farfarworse.

I wished I’d had Grey install the tracking app on her new phone, but I was trying to let go of my need to control her. Giving her, her freedom. Look what fucking good it did me.

My fists clenched and not for the first time this morning, the urge to hit something until my knuckles cracked and bled raced up my arms like lightning, heat pulsing through my core. I shut my eyes against the sensations, a ragged breath slinking past my lips.

A hand gingerly touched my shoulder, and I flinched, gripping the window ledge to keep from throwing my girl’s best friend across the damn room.

“She’s fine,” Becca said, though her tone lacked conviction. “She’s always fine, no matter what happens. I’m pretty convinced that girl can’t die.”


Why the fuck did she have to say that?

I scrubbed a palm over the sharp stubble on my jaw, pulling away from Becca’s touch.

The back door of Sanctum opened, and I had my gun out and aimed, Becca swept behind me, in the span of a single second.

“What took you so long?” I heard Rook say quietly, and my pulse steadied as Diesel strode into the main bar with a few men on his heels.

I tucked my gun back into the waistband of my jeans, avoiding the injury still singing agony through my core.

Our father took in the injured around him, the storm of his face not calming until he found Grey.

“I’m good,” Grey confirmed and Diesel’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he cleared the space between them, sinking to one knee to check the wound and Grey’s state himself. He nodded once he was satisfied, and some of the ice in his eyes melted away, leaving a glint on the surface before he blinked, sniffing hard and the tears were gone.