Her unfocused eyes searched, but couldn’t see to latch onto anything.

“She’s suffocating,” Grey cried out, putting the ambu bag back over her mouth, squeezing it to try to get her air.

Her eyes started to roll back.

“Hey,” I growled at the vet. “What do we do?”

He dumped his bag onto the floor, searching for something he clearly wasn’t fucking finding. “I-I don’t have what I need. It must’ve fallen out.”


“Her lung is full of blood. We need to drain it.”

“Get out of the way,” I growled, kicking Darryl to the side as I took his place. “It’s okay, Ghost. I’m going to make it okay.”

I drew my blade and grabbed a length of tubing connected to a blood pressure cuff, slicing off a length of it before leaning over her. He didn’t restart her heart only for us to lose her twice.

“Rook, what are you doing?” Corvus hissed.

“Saving her.”

I felt along her slippery ribs, still so bony from malnourishment. We’d fix that. We’d fix everything.

“Hold on, Ghost.”

I found what I prayed was a good spot and made a hundred promises to the almighty if he’d just let her stay as I stabbed my girl in the chest, deep. Deep enough that I knew I’d hit lung.

Thanks to my time spent taking apart men piece by piece, I had a good fucking idea of how far I needed to go.

She let out a pained gurgle, her eyes finding mine finally as her body writhed away from the pain.

“Hold her still!”

Blood spilled over her side as Corvus held her arms, and I fed the tube into the new wound I’d created, keeping my eyes on her. “Stay with us, Ghost.”

Blood funneled out of the tube, her filled lung draining onto the floor, puddling around my knees.

“Come on,” Grey begged, moving to pull her head up into his lap, getting it higher from her heart level. “Breathe, baby.”

She jerked her head to the side and coughed, blood splattering the floor.

“That’s it, Ghost, get it out.”

“Slow, small breaths,” the vet said somewhere to my side, sliding a stethoscope over her chest, his eyes on his watch. It was hard not to want to rip his arms off, but I needed to hold this tube in place as the blood continued to leave her lung.

The vet removed the stethoscope. “We need to get her to urgent care before she crashes again. She needs blood.”

“Take mine.”

“Are you the same blood type?”

“How the fuck should I know?”

“Do you knowherblood type?”

My nostrils flared.

“If I give her the wrong blood, it could be fatal.”