“Try me, big guy.”

Pinkie looked back at Dies. “Boss?”

Diesel’s eyes glinted with malice as he sucked a breath in through his teeth. “So fucking stubborn,” he said. “You remind me of her.”

Rook smirked, replacing the gun back into his waistband, hobbling on his one leg. “It’s why you adopted my ass, remember?”

“Help him down the stairs,” Dies ordered Pinkie. “And see that he sits his ass down and elevates that leg.”

“You got it, boss.”

Rook allowed Pinkie to help him through the bar to the back stairs, and I followed behind them.

“You don’t have to be such a fucking cunt all the time,” Pinkie grunted without any real animosity, taking the brunt of Rook’s weight.

Rook laughed hollowly. “You know I wouldn’t really hurt my Pinkie Pie,” Rook crooned, and Pinkie shoved him into the wall, making him groan.

“Oops,” Pinkie muttered, only drawing another laugh from Rook as they made their way at a snail’s pace down the stairs to the underbelly of Sanctum.

Becca’s armssqueezed tight around my waist as I drove us to Julia’s. I removed a hand from the handlebars to lift her arms higher, away from the bullet wound.

“Sorry!” I heard her muffled voice through the glass fronted helmet on her head and the wind rushing over us, followed by a squeal as I took the next turn too sharply for her liking.

I’d wanted to be back for the meet with Maverick, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen anymore.

We had to stop for food. If seeing Becca’s pale complexion in the sunlight wasn’t enough, the fact that she could barely stand on her own two feet cemented it. She needed food and water or she was going to pass the fuck out.

And I supposed I needed to eat, too.

We couldn’t go get breakfast with blood and gore all over us, which meant we needed to shower.

Standing in Ava Jade’s shower at Briar Hall, the safest place we could think to go, was harder than I’d thought it’d be.

Her room smelled of her, even after all the time she’d spent with us at the Crow’s Nest. Her cheap shampoo, near empty conditioner, and bar soap scattered on the shower floor were soher.

And all right, if I was being honest, the only reason I thought to put off checking on Julia and risk being late to the meet was because there was a chance she might’ve been here.

Alone. Waiting for us to come and find her.

Walking in to absolute silence was like being shot all over again.

Where are you, Sparrow?

My Ducati’s engine revved as I pulled us up alongside Julia’s place, and Becca couldn’t climb off fast enough.

“I’m sorry,” she repeated as she pulled the oversized helmet off, letting her still damp dark hair fall down her back. “I didn’t mean to hurt—”

“You’re good,” I interrupted her, trying and failing not to be agitated with her presence.

Ava Jade would be glad I’d taken her with me. That I’d fed her and saw that she got herself cleaned up.

It was one small step toward my redemption.

One of many.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out, jaw clenching at the screen. The missed call from Dies and the text message.

Diesel: Get your ass back here. Now.