A ripple of pain raced up through my heels, but I grimaced through it.

“The balcony!” Humphrey cried above, and I threw my head back and howled, grabbing Grey’s hand to haul him away with me into the dark.

I wentover everything I had to present at the meeting that would start in the next fifteen minutes, bringing the image up on the tablet screen before shutting it down to wait for the rest of the crew and Diesel to arrive.

This was it. The piece we’d been searching for. With a little luck, we’d have the Kings by the balls.

I pressed my palms together, resting on the bar upstairs at Sanctum, pressing my fingers to my lips. There was going to be blood. A lot of it. The fun of the last few nights was at an end. Now, it was time for war.

“Holy shit.” Rook said beside me, choking on his whiskey as he squinted at something on his phone.

“What?” AJ asked, leaning over from his other side to see what he was looking at.

It spoke to the level of stress we’d been under lately that my stomach instantly soured before my brother could even respond.

“Humphrey,” he said, pushing the phone toward AJ. “The bitch bit it.”

AJ’s eyes widened as she snatched the phone from him, scrolling through something on the screen there.

“She what?” Corvus asked from behind the bar, guzzling a bottle of water.

AJ let out a long breath and let the phone fall back onto the bar, looking at Corvus. “She’s dead.”

“What? How?” I demanded, a spike in my gut. Had Carson gotten to her? Was he there when we were there? Was he that close to getting his hands on AJ again?

“We killed her,” AJ added.

“What do you mean, we killed her?”

“Heart attack,” Rook answered. “She was pronounced DOA at the hospital a few hours after we made away with our fancy eggs.”

I looked past him to AJ. “Are you okay?”

She bit her lip. “Fine. Is that bad? I feel… nothing.”

“She was a bitch.” Rook shrugged, finishing his drink. “She wasn’t your family, Ghost, just blood. There’s a difference. You don’t have to feel a damn thing for that woman.”

AJ nodded to herself, subconsciously agreeing. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t considered doing her in myself after finding out she could’ve saved my dad.”

“There you go,” Rook said, reaching over to give her shoulder a squeeze. “This was you don’t have to get your hand dirty. Did you finish the article?”

“No, why?”

“Her staff dumped her at the hospital and none of them could be reached for comments.”

“They all took off?” I asked, incredulous.

Corvus’ lips twisted into a wicked smirk that looked foreign on his usually severe face. “With all the good silver and artwork, I suspect.” He laughed.

“So you can stop worrying about our DNA being all over the place. No one’s going to be reporting any stolen goods any time soon, Ghost.”

“That’s some fucking luck,” she snorted.

This girl, she still didn’t get it. She wasn’t running with the likes of a wannabe gangsters. The Saints were all but untouchable. Diesel had seen to making it that way. This was the weakest we’d been in the history of the gang since the very beginning when the three original Saints split ways. “We would’ve blocked the investigation before it could be elevated to the feds anyway, AJ. Not to mention the fact you’re her straight A’s niece and we spent Thanksgiving there. It would stand to reason our prints would be all over the place.”

“And theotherevidence?”

“We had a party while your aunt was out of town. Like teenagers do.”