
“Got it.”

“Meet back at the Rover,” Corvus added as I pulled my shoes back on and darted for one of the duffles, disappearing into the hall, spurred by the headlights now flashing across the windows in full streams of luminescent white.

I took the stairs two at a time despite the aching between my legs, muttering curses to myself the whole damn way. Couldn’t a bitch get a nap after taking two dicks? Was that really asking too much?

I started at the end of the east hall, carefully scooping the eggs from the hall to place them into the foam.

The front door opened and I dropped to my knees, drawing a knife, but my aunt’s haughty tone echoed up from the foyer, and I sheathed it again, knowing no matter how this went down, I wouldn’t need it.

Want it, maybe. But that was a whole other gray area. I didn’t want to murder a sad old lady. Bitch or not. But I also wouldn’t spare her if she got in my way. Not after what she did.

Blood or not.

“Such a shame,” she was saying. Her voice making me gag. Fuck, she really was repulsive. How I’d managed to spend more than a day with her or agree to her stupid arrangement was beyond me now. Past Ava Jade needed a slap. Preferably another spanking. From Rook.

“It really has gone downhill since the last time we visited, don’t you think?”

“Yes, Madame Humphrey,” her stuffy butler replied as I crept down the hall, closer to where I could hear coats being removed and luggage rolling over the parquet floors.

“And to think they actually expected me to take a junior suite.Junior, can you believe it?”

“No, madame.”

I stayed low as I raced on tiptoe across the stairway, catching Corvus’ severe face down the hall. He waved violently for me to get out from where he hid in the shadows, but I shook my head. I wasn’t leaving yet. The real cheese was in my aunt’s room. The most expensive of the eggs. Not to mention all her precious pearls and diamonds.

I wasn’t about to leave any of it behind. That would just be wasteful, and I did not waste.

Out of sight of the foyer, I inched her doorknob to the right, twisting it until the latch released and I could sweep into her room without a sound, pulling the door back shut behind me.

It took me less than two minutes to add the egg to the others in the duffel and find her jewelry, grabbing it by the fistful to stuff into the duffel. I snatched the last of the pearls just when a shrill scream filled the mansion.

“My eggs!”

Oh no.

I bit my lip, tossing in the pearls and zipping the duffel, turning in a circle to find a better exit strategy. The balcony.

It was a second floor room.

Okay. No problem.

I rushed to the double doors, fumbling with the lock before managing to throw them open.

I could hear them coming up the stairs now.

A delicious thrill went through me, sharpening my focus, making a laugh bubble up my throat. I stopped it before it could escape, allowing myself a wide grin instead.

Down below, I caught movement in the bushes.

“Grey?” I hissed, and he spilled out onto the lawn, looking up at me with a furrowed brow.


I tossed the duffel down. “Catch.”

Grey cursed, racing forward to catch the delicate eggs before they could smash on the lawn. Vaguely, I heard him calling up to me, warning me against the drop most likely but it was already too late. I climbed over the railing and used what remained of my strength to lower myself as far as I could go before dropping the rest of the way to the ground.