“Switch,” Grey announced, pulling off to the side of the road so he and Corvus could swap seats. The convoy behind us slowed, pulled off as well. It was less than the contingent of Saints that Diesel wanted with us, but I had to agree with my Ghost. Becca needed just as much protection as we did. Maybe more.

Thanks to her we now knew of the existence of a ‘factory.’ Carson mentioned it to Becca a few times, and she’d figured it was just a story he concocted. Another lie. But there was detail there. He said he’d needed to meet his leader there not once, but three times during the time they were “dating,” probably to get out of spending any more time with her than he needed to. There must be at least a hundred factories in between here and Lodi, but Grey was already looking into every single one. Open and operating. Shut down. It didn’t matter.

If it was a place where shit was made, he was finding the name on the lease, looking for any cracks in the facade.

With any luck, by the time we secured our new firepower, we’d have them by the balls.

Grey opened his laptop in the passenger seat, tapping keys as Corvus pulled away from the road. “I just need to get within range. Pull up another mile, but stay out of sight of the cameras at the main gate.”

Corvus grunted in reply as Grey rolled down his window and held a black box with an antenna outside, his hair blowing in the wind. There was silence for a minute before Grey said, “I’ve got it. Pull over.”

He continued to hold the device with one hand and tapped away at the keys on his laptop with the other. My Ghost peered curiously over the seat, watching with squinty eyes. “How did you learn how to do this?” she asked.

Grey took a second to respond. “Trial and error. One of us needed to know how to hack and these two were both way too impatient to learn.”

“Hey, man, I tried,” I argued weakly.

“Yeah, two broken laptops later…”

“I said Itried.Didn’t say I succeeded.”

“What about you?” Ghost asked Corvus.

“No broken laptops. My talents were better put to use elsewhere.”

“Like singing to yourself in your closet?” Grey asked with a playful lilt, tapping the final key with a loud stab that I knew meant he had cracked the coding.

“Fuck you.” Corvus elbowed him.

I laughed, but Ghost was frowning. “Have you called Max back yet?” she asked seriously as Grey announced he was in.

Corv scratched the scars forming at the back of his skull. “No, but I will. When this is over.”

“Okay that should be enough footage to loop,” Grey said, mostly to himself as he did whatever magic he did to make it look to Old Lady Humphrey’s cameras as though we were never here.

“Take us to the gate, Corv.”

The other Saints pulled ahead to the service road down the way as we turned up the short stretch to the main gate. They’d wait there, tucked away in case we needed backup, until it was time to make our getaway.

Grey stepped out of the Rover and attached a small screened device to a port on the back of the big silver box with the number keys. It took him less than twenty seconds before an electronic horn sounded and the gates slowly swung inward.

Pleased with himself, he slipped back into the passenger seat. “Now it’s just the home security and we’re good.”

“Like your new toy?” Ghost asked him as my brother practically stroked his new brick-like device like it was a newborn babe.

“I’ve always wanted one of these,” he muttered.

She gave him a playful shove. “You’re such a nerd.”

He laughed and Corvus killed the headlights as we crept up to the imposing mansion.

“It’s so dark,” she said, her brows furrowing.

Corvus pulled down the narrow road that led to the caretaker’s shed and the vegetable gardens on the east lawn, parking between the hedges.

“You think something’s up?” I asked Ghost.

She lifted a shoulder. “Don’t know. It’s just, even in the middle of the night, there were always a few lights on. You know, the staff getting things ready for the next day. Cleaning and all that. My aunt hated them puttering around her during the day so she had them all work at night.”