My non-response was response enough.

“Oh, fuck, babe. I’m so sorry. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

She leaned forward to hug me again, and I let her hold my broken pieces together for me, just for a minute, wondering how I’d ever gotten by without her.

“We’re going to find him,” she promised with a harsh whisper in my ear. “And he’s going to pay. For all of it.”

I nodded against her shoulder. I couldn’t tell her right now, but once she was on her feet she needed to understand that there wasn’t awewhen it came to dealing with Carson Bates. I’d get my pint of blood of out of him on her behalf, but she wouldn’t be anywhere near this place when that happened.

Someone tapped at the door, and Becks and I pulled apart as the guys came back in. “Hey, Becca,” Grey said with a winning smile. “How you feeling?”

She tucked a length of rich brown hair behind her ear and tried to return his smile. “I’m awake,” she replied. “So that’s a start.”

Becca’s gaze flicked to Rook and filled with an anguished sort of warmth. “Thank you. The nurses said that you saved my life.”

I frowned, turning to face my dark prince. He winked at my bestie. “Anytime, love.”

I mouthed athank youof my own to him, wondering why the fuck no one thought I should know that little tidbit. But of course he saved her. I doubted there was a reaper strong enough to take a soul Rook Clayton refused to give up. I was just glad he’d decided hers was worth holding on to.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Becca asked Corvus, her face screwing up at his new buzz cut.

Corv scratched the still healing puncture wounds on the back of his head. A habit I was trying to break him of. “I fell off a building.”

“Fell?” I pressed.

He cleared his throat, waving a hand toward Becca. “You look good.” Corvus coughed, not so sneakily changing the subject.

Becca gave a short laugh. “Right. And you’re a good liar.”

“I’ll get you your things from Briar Hall,” I offered. “Just text me the list and I’ll bring it for you.”

She shook her head. “They didn’t have my phone.”

I looked askance at my guys, but they shook their heads. Clearly Carson had taken it.

“Take mine,” Corvus offered, shuffling over to slip his phone onto her lap. “Code’s 26637. All of our numbers are already programmed in.”

I smiled gratefully at him.

“I know it’s not the time,” Grey hedged, licking dry lips as he rested his hands on the rail at the end of her bed. “But we’ve hit a wall trying to find Carson and—”


“Jericho,” I explained. “His real name’s Carson. He’s Diesel’s biological son.”

She jerked back as though slapped, trying to process. “What? Wait. Slow down. Diesel has another son?”

I could tell we were going to need to fill her in on all the dirty little details. If we did, then maybe she would remember something that would link us to Carson. Or lead us to the Kings. I’d take any scrap of helpful evidence at this point.

“If you’re sure you want to do this now—”

“I am. I want to know what happened while I was out.”

I nodded. “Corv, can you ask one of the guys out in the hall to wrangle some peanut M&M’s and a cherry cola for Becks? We’re going to be here a while.”

The completely destroyed rosegarden out front of Diesel’s house told us three things.

That they were still out there. Waiting.