

Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

She set the cup down, swallowing hard as her brown eyes flicked to the guys behind me, clearly struggling.


“Becks, it’s me.”

I went to her side, sitting on the edge of her bed. I reached for her, but she shied away, her face paling. Fuck, she looked so frail. With her big brown eyes wide and fearful. Her body shrunken and weakened from being stuck in this bed. A weight settled in my stomach, yanking tears from my eyes.

“Sparrow…” Corvus hedged. “Memory loss is common in coma cases, maybe you should give her some—”

“It’s me,” I implored her, ignoring Corvus as I saw a flicker of recognition in her eyes, making my pulse pound. “There you are. It’s me, babe. It’s Ava Jade.”

She dropped her head, shaking it, her eyes closed tight. Grimacing.

I gripped her cold hand tight between mine and this time when she lifted her head, her lips parted. “Aves?”

“Oh my god,” I choked out, pulling her into a solid embrace. “Becks, you’re okay.”

Her arms came slowly around me, squeezing as well as she could. I felt her back heave as her tears stained the collar of my shirt, leaking over my collarbone.

“Holy shit,” she cried, clutching me almost as tightly as I was clutching her now.

“Let’s give them a minute,” Rook said somewhere behind me, and I heard the door to the hospital room click shut.

I sniffed, pulling away from her shaking embrace to hold her at arm’s length. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Me?” She sniffed. “You’re the one that was just… gone. But, you’re back. Where did you go? How could you just… just leave us like that.”

She wiped the back of her palm over her nose, falling against the inclined back of her raised hospital bed as if she couldn’t stay sitting up anymore on her own. I realized there was so much she didn’t know.

Sensing where my mind had gone, she took my hand in hers. “Babe? You were just staying away because you were angry, right?”

I wished I could lie to her, but I’d decided a long time ago that I needed to stop doing that. This bitch was my ride or die and just woken up from a coma or not, she deserved the truth.

“No, Becks, I wasn’t. But we don’t have to talk about this now. The important thing is that you’re awake. You’re all right. I’m…fuck,I’m so sorry this happened, Becks.”

She shook her head. “Did he…?”

I clamped my mouth shut.

Her nails dug into my palm. “Tell me everything. I want to know. Ineedto know. Is he dead at least? Did we get him? Did my painting help?”

“It did,” I assured her, remembering the guys telling me how smart she was to hide the painting before Carson could get to her. I didn’t care what anyone said about her, she was a badass bitch. “It helped so much more than you realize.”

Because of that painting, Diesel dissolved the alliance with the Kings before they could act. She might’ve single handedly saved at least thirty lives.

“But he isn’t dead, is he?”

Her hand went absently to her chest, to where a bandage covered the bullet wound an inch away from her heart. I could sense her fear in the way her body went rigid, her hand trembling in mine, but I could also see the fire in her eyes. The absolute feral rage simmering below the surface.

“No. He isn’t. We can’t find him.”

“Did he hurt you, Aves?”