We followed Diesel and Pinkie through Sanctum toward the back room, the one where I’d taken the poison trial. Fuck, it felt like ages ago now.

The door swung closed behind us, muffling the loud conversation and music outside to a dull hum.

“First thing’s first,” Diesel said, passing Corvus something.

Whatever it was clinked familiarly as Corvus unwrapped it, coming to where I hovered at the edge of the long table.

The others sat down as he laid the cloth wrapped bundle on the table in front of me. “You might be needing these.”

He threw back the last bit of cloth to reveal my blades.

No, not just my blades. There were others, too.

The blue-eyed crow-handled blade Corvus gave me seemed to have spawned two more. One with a golden eye, and another with an onyx one. That crow had flames etched on wings. I loved them beyond words.

They made the fact that there were only two of my own blades remaining an easier pill to swallow.

“Here,” Corvus said, seeming to pull a fistful of black straps and holsters from out of nowhere. “There’s two for your belt. Two for your thighs. One for your ankle and a dual chest strap. I wasn’t sure what you’d prefer.”

“You should grovel more often,” I muttered for his ears only as I took the bits of leather and Velcro from him.

He snorted, saying nothing as I set to adjusting the straps, fixing the new holsters over my chest in a cross, where I put two of the three crow-handled blades, adding the other one to my inner thigh and the two others to my ankle and belt.

I sighed happily, the remaining tension I’d been holding on to sloughing off like dead skin.

“Just like that,” Rook said, snapping his fingers. “And my Ghost’s back.”

I smirked at him, sliding into the seat next to Corvus at the table.

“What do we have on this guy?” Diesel asked, not wasting any time, his stony gaze drifting over the four of us seated at the table with him and Pinkie before landing squarely on me. “The guys filled me in on some, but is there anything else?”

“We figured out a general area where the bunker could be in the national park, but we won’t be able to narrow it down until we can get some guys out there to search the area.”

Diesel nodded. “All right, but even if we find the bunker, your girl set it on fire, yeah? Likely there won’t be much evidence left there to use to our advantage.”

“But it’s possible,” I said before Diesel could continue. “Were there any fires in the area that emergency crews responded to?”

I posed the question to Grey, who shook his head. “Already checked. He must’ve gotten it under control before it could get out of hand.”

“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath, trying to think of another angle and coming up empty handed.

“All right, let’s forget the bunker for the minute,” Diesel suggested, leaning over the table. “This guy. Drake, Jericho, whatever his fuckin’ name is. If we can figure out who he is, we might be able to trace him. So what do we know? Let’s go over it.”

Corvus sat back in his chair, sighing, clearly frustrated to be going back over intel we already had. “We know he’s the true leader of the Kings.”

“And we know he thinks Thorn Valley should be his by right,” Grey added while Rook dragged a glass ashtray from the middle of the table over to where he sat and lit a cigarette.

“He was prying Becca for information on us and Ava Jade.”

Diesel nodded, trying to find connections from all the puzzle pieces.

Rook ashed his cigarette. “He was working Becca before Ghost even got here, though.”

“Wait. In those texts he said he wasn’t sure if it was you when he first saw you on the streets of Thorn Valley. The texts started, what, like a few days after you arrived?”

“Yeah. Something like that.”

“But you didn’t go anywhere near town during that first week, did you? You ran the trail off campus, through the woods.”