I bit the inside of my cheek.

“Besides,” he continued without missing a beat. “I need to continue developing the plans for his… execution. If your intel isn’t good for helping us find the bastard, then at least it’ll help with that.”

“You have plans?”

He lifted his brows, as surprised as I was. “Shocking, right? I don’t do plans, but this piece of shit has me making sketches and a detailed schedule of events for his disassembly.”

My lips twitched into a half smile that he returned, giving my hand a squeeze. “It’s going to be fine.”

“How do you know?”

“Because we’ve all faced wicked trials and twisted games, Ghost. We’ve survived the ugly and made a home in the darkness. We can handle your truth, because you handled ours.”

His words spoke to the deformed parts of me, making me think their sharp edges could be forged into something new and beautiful.


I spotted the nurse from my testing and cleared my throat, untangling my fingers from Rook’s. “Go ahead,” I said, indicating Corvus’ room down the hall. “I’ll catch up. I wanted to ask the nurse something.”

The shadows over his eyes darkened, but I gave him my besteverything’s finesmile. “I’ll literally be twenty feet from you. Just go.”

He rubbed his thumb over his lip ring as he considered the nurse in a way that had me fearing for her immediate safety. “You do you, Ghost. I know you don’t need a babysitter.”

His expression was at odds with his easy tone, but he walked away, adjusting his jacket across his shoulders as he did. I noticed his limp was getting better and sighed after him.

I swallowed, turning to lean on the high desk of the nurse’s station. “Excuse me,” I called over it, watching several nurses’ heads turn in my direction. No doubt they’d all been told to give me everything and anything I needed. Just as the hospital security seemed to also be watching my every move, judging every other person in my immediate vicinity for threats.

Rook may havesaidhe knew I didn’t need a babysitter, but it seemed to me someone thought I did.

…or they’re just trying to protect you,my rational mind tried to remind me.Because they love you.

It’s not as impossible as you think.

“Nurse Fellows,” I amended. “Can I ask you something?”

The other nurses went back to their quiet chatter, going over files and keying information into the computers while Nurse Fellows abandoned the file she was going over and plastered on a polite smile.

“Is everything all right?” she asked, and by the empathy clear on her face, I knew she’d been briefed on all my test results. She knew I wouldn’t ever have kids.

I pushed the thought from my mind, hating how my mood instantly soured. I’d been trying hard not to think about it, but there it was. The one thing that might make my guys reconsider wanting me as their one and only.

It didn’t matter that procreating was the absolutefurthestthing from my mind… If I couldn’t give them that, then would they want to find it somewhere else?

I swallowed, my grip on the counter tightening. “I’m fine,” I blurted. “Well, maybe not fine, but, I…”

I trailed off, gaze lifting to the others within earshot.

“Would you prefer to speak privately?”

She waved a hand to a small exam room down the hall, and I nodded gratefully.

“Just let me grab your file.”

I waited while she dug it out of a locked cabinet and led the way to the exam room, shutting us inside.

“Have a seat.”

I shook my head, shying away from the exam table. “No, it’s not—I mean, I’m fine. Physically.”