Page 50 of A Mayfair Maid

By day, Marilee had Peggy for company, and for a few hours each evening, Nikolas. The solicitor had done a skillful job of appearing entirely enraptured with the maid, sending token gifts and sweets nearly every day. In the evenings, they were left alone under the assumption that something untoward must occur. In truth, only a few stolen kisses and lingering embraces filled their hours of plotting and menial entertainments.

* * *

They spentthe next hour at a round of backgammon, which Nikolas won with pristine strategy although Marilee had given him a good go with her own energetic play.

Unbeknownst to Lady Lydia, Nikolas was on the brink of discovering the location of the Three Sparrows, which they now knew for certain was the name of the secretive brothel near Marylebone.

Marilee felt almost happy in those few moments that she could put aside her anger and determination to end this ring of devilry. She still worried for Miss Caroline, but there was nothing she could do on that account. If only she had met Peggy or Nikolas or both when she had lived and served in Northwick then she would have been quite happy indeed.

But it was never meant to last. Marilee knew that one day Lady Lydia would call Marilee to her chambers to enact the second half of her diversion plan, the heartbreak. Marilee had warned Nikolas that when the moment came there would have to be a scene so convincing that Lady Lydia could not doubt his heart had been well and truly broken and that he would be so overcome with grief that he could think of nothing else than winning back her affections.

* * *

What Marilee had not foreseen wasto be summoned to Lady Lydia’s chamber so very soon.

“We must have a chat, you and I,” Lady Lydia said as she waved Marilee into her chamber and patted the bed beside where she herself had perched.

“Is something amiss, my lady?” Marilee asked outright for it was clear from the other woman’s impatient behavior that she was agitated.

“I am afraid so.” Lady Lydia sighed. “And as you have proven yourself to be so loyal to my needs, I should bestow you the honor of facilitating the solution. For which you will be rewarded, I assure you.”

“Rewarded for what?” Marilee asked. Her heart had dropped into the pit of her stomach for she instinctively balked at the prospect of aiding Lady Lydia in any way. Good heavens, the lady already thought that she had stooped so low as to use her body to distract an innocent man who was simply doing his duty.

“Do you not mean to ask what the reward shall be?” Lady Lydia grinned.

Fine then, Marilee thought, as she realized she must at least feign interest in her mistress’s schemes. “What then, is the prize?”

“Your freedom, of course,” Lady Lydia said with a shrug. When Marilee only stared at her with her mouth gaping open, unable to believe what she was hearing, Lady Lydia continued. “Well, you must know that I shall expect you to remain on as my personal maid. Having a trusted servant so close at hand is always invaluable, and I wouldn’t think of giving up your skills. But you’ve proven yourself once, and if you do this one teeny, tiny thing, then I shall grant you a stipend and allow you to accompany me about town and on my travels. It’s really a fantastic offer. I’ve never given it to another. I would consider you as a permanent fixture of Blackwell house, as trusted as Mrs. Cavendish or Mr. Smyth even. And, as a final boon, I shall take you with me to remain in service when I am Duchess. To think, lady’s maid to a Duchess, it would be like a dream to someone of your status!”

How Lady Lydia could manage to sound so cheerful when discussing an offer of only moderately lesser servitude was beyond Marilee’s comprehension. Still, to be offered an income, however small, and ability to come and go from Blackwell house was indeed a boon. The thought that she would be permitted beyond the walls garden, perhaps even to run errands on her own, was a blessing. The potential for escape would be well within her grasp. She could pass information to Nikolas and even, perhaps, perform some investigations of her own. She might even be taken to the place where Miss Caroline was being held if she behaved well enough. Lady Lydia could not know anything about her friend, but Marilee was almost certain that she would have personal connections at each of the other holding houses, particularly if they were disguised by members of theTonas was the case here.

She was sad that her time with Nikolas would come to an end, but it also meant that whatever Nikolas was doing was bearing fruit. Perhaps they could soon court in earnest.

“What must I do?” Marilee asked with a mixture of hesitation and conviction.

“Just a little thing, really,” Lady Lydia grinned. “It is time for your beau to be gone.”

“Oh,” Marilee said. She was disappointed that the estrangement should happen so soon, but she had expected it.

“I will speak to him tonight,” Marilee said obediently, but Lady Lydia held up a hand.

Marilee waited in silence while the Lady produced a small stoppered vial from her bedside table. “I need you to pour this into his tea cup without his noticing but it is very important that you not pour it into your own nor the kettle, and he must see you drink to allay suspicion.”

“I don’t understand,” Marilee said.

“So that there can be no suspicion to fall upon this house!” Lady Lydia snapped, suddenly angry. “Don’t be so stupid, girl.”

Marilee’s eyes grew wide. Such a request could mean only one thing. Death.

“You wish me to poison Mr. Crowley?” Marilee gasped and shot to her feet, ready to rage at the lady for suggesting such a horrible thing. To kill anyone, any human being with even a modicum of decency was unfathomable. But she soon stifled her disapproval because arguing would only lead to her own downfall.

Lady Lydia rolled her eyes at Marilee’s momentary indignation.

“Now, about this,” Lady Lydia said holding up the little container, and then pressing it into her palm. “It is effective and painless. It really is the most humane way.”

“Humane!” Marilee cried. Then when Lady Lydia hissed, she lowered her voice to a harsh whisper. “You want me to kill Ni… a man… an innocent man, and you call that humane?” She could not help herself. She covered her mouth and fought against casting up her accounts. At least Lady Lydia did not rage at Marilee’s shock. She seemed to have expected it and continued on as if she were confident that she could convince the maid to do her bidding.

“Innocent? Ha! Mr. Nikolas Crowley is far from innocent.”